BA (Hons) Media Production

This hands-on course inspires your passion for media. The course will develop your skills in digital media production, technology and media analysis, supporting your development as a creative media professional. You’ll work on creative projects across a variety of media platforms, including promotional and informational video; creative documentary practice; experimental video; multimedia design; screenwriting; photography and sound work. This course will enable you to develop a business or freelance model for the fast changing digital and entrepreneurial media industry.You’ll develop your production skills and cultivate your critical awareness of media forms and institutions. You’ll work with a wide range of industry-standard equipment and software and gain real-world experience through working to ‘live’ briefs provided by organisations. Through theoretical and historical insight, you’ll understand the changing economic, social and cultural elements that define media. You’ll engage with theoretical areas such as representation, authenticity, ethics and screen writing. You’ll develop debating, presentation and pitching skills as well as understanding personal branding and freelancing. The core themes throughout the course are moving image, sound production and media writing and there is an emphasis on employability throughout the modules.

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£15,200 Per Year

International student tuition fee

3 Years


Sep 2024

Start Month

Aug 2024

Application Deadline

Upcoming Intakes

  • September 2024

Mode of Study

  • Full Time