Do you enjoy problem-solving and numeric puzzles? If you appreciate numbers and prefer equations and theorems to novels and paper writing, TROY’s bachelor’s in mathematics may be the perfect degree field for you! The Mathematics Program at Troy University prepares students for exciting careers in mathematical, scientific, and technological fields, as well as preparing future teachers which is our historical role. With quality instruction and opportunities for individual growth and development, students majoring in mathematics at Troy University are prepared for future careers, graduate study and life-long learning.
At TROY, you’ll receive individual attention and sound instruction that promotes investigation,discovery, use of technology, research and tools for life-long learning. Whether youare planning to pursue a graduate-level degree or to begin a successful career inmathematical, scientific, educational, surveying or technological fields, the trainingyou receive at TROY will prepare you for your next step.
Do you enjoy problem-solving and numeric puzzles? If you appreciate numbers and prefer equations and theorems to novels and paper writing, TROY’s bachelor’s in mathematics may be the perfect degree field for you! The Mathematics Program at Troy University prepares students for exciting careers in mathematical, scientific, and technological fields, as well as preparing future teachers which is our historical role. With quality instruction and opportunities for individual growth and development, students majoring in mathematics at Troy University are prepared for future careers, graduate study and life-long learning.
At TROY, you’ll receive individual attention and sound instruction that promotes investigation,discovery, use of technology, research and tools for life-long learning. Whether youare planning to pursue a graduate-level degree or to begin a successful career inmathematical, scientific, educational, surveying or technological fields, the trainingyou receive at TROY will prepare you for your next step.