BA (Hons) Modern Languages
Studying languages opens doors to new horizons. You study between two and four languages and develop high-level communication skills. You can reach Mastery level even if studying a language from scratch. Our courses are unique because they have a triple focus on developing language proficiency, cultural awareness and professional skills – not only translation/interpreting skills, but also web and publishing skills, and film production and video-editing skills such as subtitling and voiceover. Our focus on skills helps you acquire a wide range of employability skills which enhance your career prospects. You spend your third year abroad experiencing, engaging with and integrating into another culture, either by a period of study at a partner university or by working as a language assistant.
Studying languages opens doors to new horizons. You study between two and four languages and develop high-level communication skills. You can reach Mastery level even if studying a language from scratch. Our courses are unique because they have a triple focus on developing language proficiency, cultural awareness and professional skills – not only translation/interpreting skills, but also web and publishing skills, and film production and video-editing skills such as subtitling and voiceover. Our focus on skills helps you acquire a wide range of employability skills which enhance your career prospects. You spend your third year abroad experiencing, engaging with and integrating into another culture, either by a period of study at a partner university or by working as a language assistant.