PhD Quantum Computing in the Arts, Music and Humanities
Studying this PhD will immerse you in a world of pioneering research under the umbrella of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research. Our research activity ranges from developing new music technologies for musical creativity to enhancing health and well-being through music, arts, and culture. The ICCMR team is pioneering quantum computing in the arts, music, and humanities, and is well-networked with key players in the quantum computing industry and associated technologies.
Studying this PhD will immerse you in a world of pioneering research under the umbrella of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research. Our research activity ranges from developing new music technologies for musical creativity to enhancing health and well-being through music, arts, and culture. The ICCMR team is pioneering quantum computing in the arts, music, and humanities, and is well-networked with key players in the quantum computing industry and associated technologies.