PhD Marketing
If you're ready to take your existing expertise in Marketing into a postgraduate research degree qualification, Portsmouth is the perfect place to do it.
Our Marketing research covers advertising, branding, digital marketing, tourism marketing, marketing & society and related disciplines such as computing, economics, psychology and statistics – and when you study with us for a postgraduate research degree, you'll play your part in transforming our expertise into action.
We analyse both existing and emerging business models and consumer segments, help businesses to better understand their markets and consumers, and regularly collaborate with businesses on research projects so they can use our insights to directly improve their marketing. We're also exploring how disruptive technology, the digitalisation of retail process and access to big data is shaping today's markets and businesses.
We apply quantitative research methods such as experiments, regressions and structural equation models to measure causal effects on variables relevant to our research. We also use qualitative research techniques such as ethnography and storytelling to explore consumer decision processes at a detailed level.
If you're ready to take your existing expertise in Marketing into a postgraduate research degree qualification, Portsmouth is the perfect place to do it.
Our Marketing research covers advertising, branding, digital marketing, tourism marketing, marketing & society and related disciplines such as computing, economics, psychology and statistics – and when you study with us for a postgraduate research degree, you'll play your part in transforming our expertise into action.
We analyse both existing and emerging business models and consumer segments, help businesses to better understand their markets and consumers, and regularly collaborate with businesses on research projects so they can use our insights to directly improve their marketing. We're also exploring how disruptive technology, the digitalisation of retail process and access to big data is shaping today's markets and businesses.
We apply quantitative research methods such as experiments, regressions and structural equation models to measure causal effects on variables relevant to our research. We also use qualitative research techniques such as ethnography and storytelling to explore consumer decision processes at a detailed level.