BA (Hons) Philosophy and Psychology

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How are our minds related to our bodies? Do we really have free will? What is knowledge (as distinct from merely true belief) and what can we really know – about the world around us, about other people, or about ourselves? How can we be confident we know what is right and wrong, just and unjust? And what would it take to live a morally good life? You have just been posed some typical philosophical questions, and if you seriously want to search for the answers then this is the course for you. Our degree course will challenge you to develop a strong set of critical, imaginative and informed reasoning skills, and deepen your understanding of the nature of the human mind, of language, of morality and politics, of art, of science, and of logic. We offer breadth and variety in this course. Some modules focus on particular historical figures, allowing students to really get to grips with one famous philosopher’s ideas – and how subsequent generations have argued over those ideas. Thinkers whom we study in depth include Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Mill, Marx, Wittgenstein, and Heidegger. Other modules focus on specific philosophical topics, such as the theory of knowledge; logic; metaphysics; philosophy of mind; moral philosophy; philosophy of science; environmental ethics; and many more. During your study at Stirling you will be introduced to the key issues in a wide range of topics within philosophy in your first two years. Then it is largely up to you which areas you wish to focus on – and you will be able, on the basis of what you have learned so far, to make informed choices among the range of higher-level modules available. Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. During this course you will investigate how and why humans (and other animals) behave in the ways they do, and learn about the mental processes driving these behaviours. As you’ll discover, Psychology is a very broad subject, covering such diverse areas as brain function, perceiving the world and even the social interactions in a football crowd. Psychology at Stirling is internationally renowned for research and this feeds into teaching. In our taught modules, you learn of the importance of research in furthering the understanding of behaviour and, in practical work, develop research skills of your own. Semesters 1 – 2 comprise an introduction to psychology as a biological and behavioural science including: Developmental Psychology; Brain and Behaviour; Language and Thinking; Animal Behaviour; Clinical and Abnormal Psychology; Social Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. Other modules on this course may include: Research Methods, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Individual Differences, Cognition, Animal Behaviour and Clinical and Health Psychology. In the final year of our Single Honours Programme, as well as an individual research project, you will choose from a wide variety of electives that are designed to allow you to explore topics that interest you and build your employability skills. Teaching is by workshops, small discussion groups and practical sessions such as laboratory work or field work. There are opportunities for placements with prospective employers and fieldwork in the study of animal behaviour. At the end of your final year, you will do an independent research project based in the real world and often with a practical value. Here at Stirling you will become an active learner and work with staff as collaborators. Our programme is designed to ensure you are attractive to employers and to enhance and develop your potential in the competitive job market. With its focus on behaviour and mind, Psychology links naturally with other disciplines such as Biology, Philosophy and Sociology. It also integrates with subjects valued in th

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Use our magical AI system, to check your admission chances for this course.
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Start date
Sep 2025
Jan 2026
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Fees and deadlines depend on the selected options. Fees and currency conversion are approximate.
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1 weeks after your application is submitted