Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Science - Veterinary Clinical and Translational Sciences
The graduate program in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (VCS) at Washington State University is a plan of study leading to a doctoral degree, and preparing the resident for certification in his/her area of clinical assignment. The objectives of the program are to promote high standards of scholarly creativity, proficiency in a clinical discipline and professional service, experience in teaching, and independent and critical research. Areas of service and research may include: internal medicine, cardiology, ophthalmology, anesthesiology, neurology, surgery, radiology, clinical pathology, theriogenology, equine exercise physiology, exotic animal medicine, epidemiology, mastitis, and production medicine.
The graduate program in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (VCS) at Washington State University is a plan of study leading to a doctoral degree, and preparing the resident for certification in his/her area of clinical assignment. The objectives of the program are to promote high standards of scholarly creativity, proficiency in a clinical discipline and professional service, experience in teaching, and independent and critical research. Areas of service and research may include: internal medicine, cardiology, ophthalmology, anesthesiology, neurology, surgery, radiology, clinical pathology, theriogenology, equine exercise physiology, exotic animal medicine, epidemiology, mastitis, and production medicine.