MSc Biomedical Engineering
The Biomedical Engineering MSc provides you with technical knowledge, analytical expertise and transferable skills in exciting and rapidly developing fields within Biomedical Engineering.
About this course
Our Biomedical Engineering MSc programme is designed for both practising professionals and new graduates with an engineering or science-based degree.
This industrially focused degree will enable you to apply engineering principles and push forward technology to create novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools for various medical conditions. We believe that the future of healthcare will be transformed by research and development in science and engineering.
The MSc has three streams, to allow you to specialise in your area of interest:
Regulatory Sciences
Some taught modules are common between the three streams, but you will study specialised modules according to your choice of stream. All three streams lead to the award of MSc in Biomedical Engineering.
Our varied MSc programme is designed to consider the needs of clinicians, bioengineers, manufacturers and regulators. By the end of this programme, you’ll have a wide range of transferable skills and technical knowledge to allow you to contribute to biomedical engineering industry and beyond.
What you'll learn
The taught modules that are common across streams are:
- introduction to Biomedical Engineering
- core skills
- medical devices regulatory requirements
Our common modules develop your knowledge and analytical skills to enable you to:
- explore fundamental bioengineering developments
- understand how bioengineering relates to human body
- analyse case studies of medical device performance
- understand the importance of regulatory requirements to medical devices
- use engineering software (MATLAB, CAD, FEA) for data analysis
- develop engineering solutions to practical medical problems
The Biomedical Engineering MSc provides you with technical knowledge, analytical expertise and transferable skills in exciting and rapidly developing fields within Biomedical Engineering.
About this course
Our Biomedical Engineering MSc programme is designed for both practising professionals and new graduates with an engineering or science-based degree.
This industrially focused degree will enable you to apply engineering principles and push forward technology to create novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools for various medical conditions. We believe that the future of healthcare will be transformed by research and development in science and engineering.
The MSc has three streams, to allow you to specialise in your area of interest:
Regulatory Sciences
Some taught modules are common between the three streams, but you will study specialised modules according to your choice of stream. All three streams lead to the award of MSc in Biomedical Engineering.
Our varied MSc programme is designed to consider the needs of clinicians, bioengineers, manufacturers and regulators. By the end of this programme, you’ll have a wide range of transferable skills and technical knowledge to allow you to contribute to biomedical engineering industry and beyond.
What you'll learn
The taught modules that are common across streams are:
- introduction to Biomedical Engineering
- core skills
- medical devices regulatory requirements
Our common modules develop your knowledge and analytical skills to enable you to:
- explore fundamental bioengineering developments
- understand how bioengineering relates to human body
- analyse case studies of medical device performance
- understand the importance of regulatory requirements to medical devices
- use engineering software (MATLAB, CAD, FEA) for data analysis
- develop engineering solutions to practical medical problems