BEng/BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Cyber Security
Become a skilled practitioner in the principles and practice of cyber security. Develop in-demand skills to help protect organisations from the threat of cyber crime.
The BSc in Computer Science with Cyber Security produces multi-skilled, highly competent graduates who are equipped to become leaders in their career field and who understand the implications of their work both for themselves and for society as a whole.
Through the programme, you will study two integrated strands of work which help you to develop both your computational thinking and your skills as an engineer. It is the combination of these two areas that will make you attractive to employers, enabling you to make an immediate contribution when you move into employment.
The programme will provide you with a solid foundation in the principles and practices of Computer Science, including coding, mathematics and basic engineering; with breadth in Computer Science and related technical disciplines; and with advanced training in the focussed area of Cyber Security.
Key aspects of modern Cyber Security are covered, from the theoretical building blocks of identity and trust, through to real-world implementations, and discussion of the wider impacts that Cyber Security has on society.
You will understand engineering trade-offs that cross disciplines, such as between hardware and software, and you will be able to participate effectively in multidisciplinary teams. You will also develop the skill to contribute professionally to solving complex commercial and industrial engineering problems having undertaken a focussed project in the field of Cyber Security.
The intention is for the programme to be accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the BCS (the Chartered Institute for IT) – both professional bodies of computing and engineering. The intention is also to submit the programme for certification by the National Cyber Security Centre when possible. The unaccredited version of the programme will be called the BSc in Computer Systems Engineering with Cyber Security.
Become a skilled practitioner in the principles and practice of cyber security. Develop in-demand skills to help protect organisations from the threat of cyber crime.
Become a skilled practitioner in the principles and practice of cyber security. Develop in-demand skills to help protect organisations from the threat of cyber crime.
The BSc in Computer Science with Cyber Security produces multi-skilled, highly competent graduates who are equipped to become leaders in their career field and who understand the implications of their work both for themselves and for society as a whole.
Through the programme, you will study two integrated strands of work which help you to develop both your computational thinking and your skills as an engineer. It is the combination of these two areas that will make you attractive to employers, enabling you to make an immediate contribution when you move into employment.
The programme will provide you with a solid foundation in the principles and practices of Computer Science, including coding, mathematics and basic engineering; with breadth in Computer Science and related technical disciplines; and with advanced training in the focussed area of Cyber Security.
Key aspects of modern Cyber Security are covered, from the theoretical building blocks of identity and trust, through to real-world implementations, and discussion of the wider impacts that Cyber Security has on society.
You will understand engineering trade-offs that cross disciplines, such as between hardware and software, and you will be able to participate effectively in multidisciplinary teams. You will also develop the skill to contribute professionally to solving complex commercial and industrial engineering problems having undertaken a focussed project in the field of Cyber Security.
The intention is for the programme to be accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the BCS (the Chartered Institute for IT) – both professional bodies of computing and engineering. The intention is also to submit the programme for certification by the National Cyber Security Centre when possible. The unaccredited version of the programme will be called the BSc in Computer Systems Engineering with Cyber Security.
Become a skilled practitioner in the principles and practice of cyber security. Develop in-demand skills to help protect organisations from the threat of cyber crime.