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Computer Science vs Software Engineering: Know the key differences

Updated on: Jun 3, 2024
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Computer Science vs Software Engineering: Know the key differences
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With the advent of time, the areas of computer sciences and software engineering are advancing and providing ample opportunities for professional advancement. Despite having certain similarities, these fields differ in a number of ways, even though many people use them synonymously. 

Here, in this article, we will draw a comparison between computer science vs software engineering and will discuss how these are different, in case you need some clarity and are not sure which one to choose. You may then make a well-informed decision with the assistance of Edvoy, your study abroad partner.

Differentiation between Computer Science and Software Engineering

The key differences between Computer Science and Software Engineering are given below:

Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Computer Science mainly focuses on designing and understanding computational processesSoftware Engineering analyses, designs, builds and tests software applications
It examines the theoretical and mathematical functions of computersIt examines the development of software systems
Additionally, it focuses on AI and machine learningHere, the main focus is on the development of software systems

Other than that, this table mentions the differences in terms of career/top profiles and salaries in both fields:

 Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Careers/Top profiles
  • Software Engineering 
  • Software Development Engineering
  • Agile Engineer
  • Web Developer/Architect Programmer
  • Mobile/Cloud Developer
  • Business Analyst
  • Developer Advocate
  • Product Manager
  • Software Developer
  • Software Manager
  • Software Engineer
  • Technical Product Manager
  • Consultant
  • Implementation Consultant
SalaryA computer science fresher may expect to earn a minimum of $39,000 annually; the absolute income depends on the skills they possess. With expertise and specialised skill sets over time, a computer scientist may make a median annual income of $81,000.According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the typical remuneration for a software engineer is $62.58 per hour, or $130,160 annually.

It is important to note that the students of Software Engineering can take up project management courses, which are often included in the computer science curriculum.

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Which degree is better - Computer Science or Software Engineering? 

When making a selection - Computer Science vs Software Engineering degree, which are so closely related, if you are in a dilemma then you must look into the following tips that will aid you in the process:

  • Evaluate your interests: Software engineering can offer opportunities to work with the elements in case you prefer a hands-on and real-world application approach to software development.
    • On the other hand, computer science may be more interesting to you if you are more interested in computers and systems and how hardware and software interact to make a software program run.
  • Contemplate the hands-on nature of software engineering: Think about the practical aspect of software engineering and if you would like to contribute to the design and evaluation of software. 
    • While computer science may provide methodologies and efficient approaches to designing a software application, software engineers usually operate under specifications from their superiors over what sorts of software to produce.
  • Consider getting started with computer science: You may also pursue computer science as a path to a career in software engineering.
    • Both career pathways provide prospects for applicants to engage in software development; however, computer science focuses on a wide range of sub-sectors, whereas software engineering concentrates on a specific sub-sector.

Now that you are familiar with the key differences between software engineering and computer science, you will be in a better position to focus and decide whether you want to opt for Computer Science or Software Engineering.

If you are looking to learn more about the best universities and courses, you can get started with Edvoy.

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difference between computer Science vs software engineering
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