PhD History
About This Course
Research Areas
History with specialisations in:
Medieval and Early Modern History of Britain and Europe (including Medieval Normandy, Medieval Law and administration, Women, gender, power and identity in the Middle Ages, Popular Religion and Popular Culture in late medieval and early modern Britain and Europe, William of Orange and the ‘Glorious Revolution’
Modern and Contemporary History of Britain, Europe, North America, India, the Middle East and Africa (including – the two World Wars and the Cold War period, labour history, consumerism and anti-consumerism, nationalism, racism, social movements, colonial history, sport history, policy and governance, transnational history, transcultural encounters)
History of historiography
Memorial Cultures
Conceptual History
About This Course
Research Areas
History with specialisations in:
Medieval and Early Modern History of Britain and Europe (including Medieval Normandy, Medieval Law and administration, Women, gender, power and identity in the Middle Ages, Popular Religion and Popular Culture in late medieval and early modern Britain and Europe, William of Orange and the ‘Glorious Revolution’
Modern and Contemporary History of Britain, Europe, North America, India, the Middle East and Africa (including – the two World Wars and the Cold War period, labour history, consumerism and anti-consumerism, nationalism, racism, social movements, colonial history, sport history, policy and governance, transnational history, transcultural encounters)
History of historiography
Memorial Cultures
Conceptual History