Certificate of Achievement Computer Information System: Computer Operations

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It doesn’t matter if you want to build custom computers from scratch or just learn how to send an email; we’ve got you.

If you’re not as comfortable with computers as you’d like to be, our Introduction to Computers course will help get you up-to-speed.

We can also help experienced professionals upgrade their resumes and get more out of industry-standard software with in-depth classes on Microsoft Word, Access and Excel. Most people who use these programs every day have no idea how powerful they really are. Learning the deeper ins-and-outs can put you ahead of the game.

In our IT Essentials course, you can get ready for entry-level repair, support and upgrade jobs by learning hands-on how to put a computer together, get it running, install an operating system and other software, and then take it all apart, again. Our lab is full of routers, servers and brand-new computers just for that.

You can even learn how to do basic programming and web administration.

And, students in our Cisco-sponsored courses (CIS-101, CCT-275 and BOT-242) get free eBooks, 50% discounts on IT industry certification exams, and free access to Cisco learning materials on topics like cybersecurity and coding. They also get to take field trips to places like Salesforce, Oracle and the largest cybersecurity conference in the world. They also visit key technological achievements, like one of the fastest computers in the world.

But most importantly, while you’re here, you’ll have the support of caring teachers and counselors, a career center, and students just like yourself, who want to see you succeed. We are with you all the way.

So why not check out the program, see if we can help you pay for college or even get the ball rolling and apply now?

An Associate in Science Degree may be earned by completing a minimum of 60 units of degree credit coursework, including the major requirements and breadth requirements, with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. Students must complete all courses for the major with a grade of C or better.

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The requirements may vary based on your selected study options.

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