Advanced Degree Entry Programme (Foundation) in Management + Year 1: Management

Our Advanced Degree Entry Programme (ADEP) provides you with a fantastic opportunity to progress to a degree in one semester. With the guidance of our dedicated teachers, this foundation programme will bridge the gap between your school qualifications and the demands of a university. 

The ADEP will help you to develop your subject knowledge whilst providing a firm foundation in IT, research and writing skills and academic English as well as allowing you to become familiar with our assessment and examination techniques.

If you complete the ADEP programme successfully, you will be able to progress directly into the first year of your chosen degree programme in January. Thereafter, you will complete the first year of your degree over two semesters and join the second year of your degree in September of that year.

You will be eligible to progress to one of the following programmes:

Read more about the UAE Federal Accreditation.

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AED73,819 Per Year

International student tuition fee

1 Year 6 Months


Aug 2025

Start Month

Jul 2025

Application Deadline

Upcoming Intakes

  • August 2025
  • August 2026

Mode of Study

  • Full Time