BSc (Hons) Physics with Renewable Energy

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Physics is a fundamental science but with far-reaching applications to other areas and a range of industries such as those focused on power, nuclear, electronics, IT, data-mining, telecommunications and medical diagnostics. As a physicist you could play a crucial role in designing and managing the global transition that must take place from a fossil-fuelled world to one powered by low-carbon and renewable energy.

Based on a solid foundational core of physics concepts and key expectations, as defined by the Institute of Physics (IoP) accreditation framework, you will apply these skills to the generation, transmission and storage of low-carbon power, engaging with frontier material informed by the interests of our world-class research teams.

In your first year you will gain a solid grounding in the fundamentals of physics, including gravitation, relativity and matter, electricity, magnetism and waves. You will also begin to develop the skills and practical experience that underpin this programme, including computer programming with python, laboratory work, mathematical skills required to understand and analyse physical phenomena, and the arts of problem-solving and scientific writing. An introductory module in climate change and renewable energy will explore how we calculate our "carbon footprints" and generate, store and distribute energy from renewable sources that do not contribute to climate change.

Year two continues to build on your understanding in the principle of physics with exploration of optics, quantum mechanics and nuclear physics. You will further your laboratory, mathematics, computing and career skills by working on individual experiments and team investigations, building your CV, and gaining important, new applied mathematical skills. A core module in renewable energy investigates the physics behind wind, water, solar and geothermal power sources and the electricity distribution network, discovering the key factors influencing their design and effectiveness.

In your final year, you will undertake a substantial piece of meaningful research on a topic which aligns with your interests and career goals. The research project provides the opportunity for you to pursue a self-directed, independent investigation of an experimental, computational or theoretical nature. With the guidance of a supervisor, you will plan, execute and report your results, including a presentation aimed at potential employers. You will also deepen your knowledge by studying advanced modules in electromagnetism, solid state physics, and the materials needs for green technology, while enhancing your teamwork and project management skills by working on a group report that tackles a real-world issue, aimed at policy-makers

This programme has recently been refreshed, and the new structure is being reviewed by the IoP to ensure continued accreditation. 

Designed to provide you with the specialist skills you will need as a physicist, our Physics with Renewable Energy programme has core practical, academic and professional employability modules embedded throughout the curriculum. From hands-on practice in conducting physics experiments and learning the basics of computer programming, to dedicated career-focused sessions and innovative assessments, we will provide you with a strong foundation of key skills for your future career.

Research-led teaching is at the heart of our programme. Our academic staff specialise in two main areas: astrophysics and condensed matter physics, with many performing internationally renowned work in the fields of exoplanets, stellar physics and star formation (both observational and theoretical), nearby galaxies, and the study of soft condensed matter like polymers, biological molecules and of novel two-dimensional materials.‌ Our research specialisms feed into modules in the latter years of your degree and in your final year of study, you will have the opportunity to work on an individual student project, supervised by a member of academic staff.

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Start date
Sep 2025
Jan 2026
Jan 2027
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Fees and deadlines depend on the selected options. Fees and currency conversion are approximate.
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1 weeks after your application is submitted