Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling

Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling is a full-time, two-year, cohort program focused on the fundamentals of 3D Animation and 3D Modelling. Students will study various department specializations, such as 3D animation (character and creature), rigging, 3D modelling and sculpting, and texturing and surfacing. The program also touches on the fundamentals of storytelling through acting and visual composition, look development and the basics compositing. The program also teaches students the fundamentals of pre- and postproduction, critical analysis and review, realistic production schedules, team work, soft skills and how to interact with other departments within the postproduction pipeline. A wide range of industry standard software and tools, processes, and workflows are taught to the students. Students will create and compile a portfolio of shots or still life images in the form of a demo reel.

The 3D animation courses focus on animation principles, while integrating rigging, basic scripting, cloth simulation, body mechanics and animation for characters, inanimate objects and creatures.

In the 3D modelling courses students will learn the latest industry techniques in the fields of hard surface modelling, sculpting, texturing and surfacing.

While starting with the observation of traditional drawing and sculpting techniques, students will take these skills into their 3D models, environments and 3D animations. The integration of look development, shading and compositing fundamentals helps bring both 3D models and animations together for polished, final compositions.

The Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling program is best suited for students that display an artistic or creative background. A foundation in technical and/or software skills is also beneficial.

Faculty's website: kpu.ca/arts/

Department's website: kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty's Admission Requirements, which consist of KPU's undergraduate English Proficiency Requirement, the following program admission requirements apply:

  • Portfolio review. Faculty will review the eligibility of candidates based on the contents of their portfolio and suitability for the program.

Portfolio Review

Faculty members will review and select candidates based on the contents of their portfolio. For detailed information about portfolio requirements, visit the department website at kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts/portfolio-requirements

Continuance Requirements

Seat availability is based on priority for students who continue in all courses as per the prescribed program plan. Students must achieve a minimum grade of D in all required courses. Non-adherence to these requirements will result in removal from the program. Re-admission into the program will be based on seat availability and approval by the program.

Curricular Requirements

Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in all required courses.

Students must complete all of the following requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
Term 1Credits
ENTA 11203D Animation Principles and Techniques4
ENTA 1121Introduction to 3D in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1122Perspective in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1123Cinematics for Animation and VFX4
Term 2
ENTA 1220Introduction to 3D Animation4
ENTA 1221Introduction to Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1222Introduction to Texturing and Surfacing4
ENTA 1223Introduction to Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 3
ENTA 1320Intermediate 3D Animation4
ENTA 1321Intermediate Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1322Introduction to Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1323Industry Preparation in Entertainment Arts4
Term 4
ENTA 2120Visual Storytelling in 3D Animation4
ENTA 2121Rigging in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2122Advanced Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2123Advanced Texturing and Surfacing4
Term 5
ENTA 2220Advanced Character Animation in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2221LookDev and Lighting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2222Advanced Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2223Advanced Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 6
ENTA 23213D Animation Project: Preproduction4
ENTA 23223D Animation Project: Production4
ENTA 23233D Animation Project: Production Finals4
ENTA 23243D Animation Portfolio4
 Total Credits96

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of this program, students are eligible to receive a Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling.

This online version of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar is the official version of the University Calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, KPU reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email Calendar.Editor@kpu.ca

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The 3D animation courses focus on animation principles, while integrating rigging, basic scripting, cloth simulation, body mechanics and animation for characters, inanimate objects and creatures.

In the 3D modelling courses students will learn the latest industry techniques in the fields of hard surface modelling, sculpting, texturing and surfacing.

While starting with the observation of traditional drawing and sculpting techniques, students will take these skills into their 3D models, environments and 3D animations. The integration of look development, shading and compositing fundamentals helps bring both 3D models and animations together for polished, final compositions.

The Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling program is best suited for students that display an artistic or creative background. A foundation in technical and/or software skills is also beneficial.

Faculty's website: kpu.ca/arts/

Department's website: kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty's Admission Requirements, which consist of KPU's undergraduate English Proficiency Requirement, the following program admission requirements apply:

  • Portfolio review. Faculty will review the eligibility of candidates based on the contents of their portfolio and suitability for the program.

Portfolio Review

Faculty members will review and select candidates based on the contents of their portfolio. For detailed information about portfolio requirements, visit the department website at kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts/portfolio-requirements

Continuance Requirements

Seat availability is based on priority for students who continue in all courses as per the prescribed program plan. Students must achieve a minimum grade of D in all required courses. Non-adherence to these requirements will result in removal from the program. Re-admission into the program will be based on seat availability and approval by the program.

Curricular Requirements

Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in all required courses.

Students must complete all of the following requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
Term 1Credits
ENTA 11203D Animation Principles and Techniques4
ENTA 1121Introduction to 3D in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1122Perspective in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1123Cinematics for Animation and VFX4
Term 2
ENTA 1220Introduction to 3D Animation4
ENTA 1221Introduction to Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1222Introduction to Texturing and Surfacing4
ENTA 1223Introduction to Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 3
ENTA 1320Intermediate 3D Animation4
ENTA 1321Intermediate Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1322Introduction to Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1323Industry Preparation in Entertainment Arts4
Term 4
ENTA 2120Visual Storytelling in 3D Animation4
ENTA 2121Rigging in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2122Advanced Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2123Advanced Texturing and Surfacing4
Term 5
ENTA 2220Advanced Character Animation in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2221LookDev and Lighting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2222Advanced Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2223Advanced Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 6
ENTA 23213D Animation Project: Preproduction4
ENTA 23223D Animation Project: Production4
ENTA 23233D Animation Project: Production Finals4
ENTA 23243D Animation Portfolio4
 Total Credits96

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of this program, students are eligible to receive a Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling.

This online version of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar is the official version of the University Calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, KPU reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email Calendar.Editor@kpu.ca

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In the 3D modelling courses students will learn the latest industry techniques in the fields of hard surface modelling, sculpting, texturing and surfacing.

While starting with the observation of traditional drawing and sculpting techniques, students will take these skills into their 3D models, environments and 3D animations. The integration of look development, shading and compositing fundamentals helps bring both 3D models and animations together for polished, final compositions.

The Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling program is best suited for students that display an artistic or creative background. A foundation in technical and/or software skills is also beneficial.

Faculty's website: kpu.ca/arts/

Department's website: kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty's Admission Requirements, which consist of KPU's undergraduate English Proficiency Requirement, the following program admission requirements apply:

  • Portfolio review. Faculty will review the eligibility of candidates based on the contents of their portfolio and suitability for the program.

Portfolio Review

Faculty members will review and select candidates based on the contents of their portfolio. For detailed information about portfolio requirements, visit the department website at kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts/portfolio-requirements

Continuance Requirements

Seat availability is based on priority for students who continue in all courses as per the prescribed program plan. Students must achieve a minimum grade of D in all required courses. Non-adherence to these requirements will result in removal from the program. Re-admission into the program will be based on seat availability and approval by the program.

Curricular Requirements

Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in all required courses.

Students must complete all of the following requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
Term 1Credits
ENTA 11203D Animation Principles and Techniques4
ENTA 1121Introduction to 3D in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1122Perspective in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1123Cinematics for Animation and VFX4
Term 2
ENTA 1220Introduction to 3D Animation4
ENTA 1221Introduction to Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1222Introduction to Texturing and Surfacing4
ENTA 1223Introduction to Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 3
ENTA 1320Intermediate 3D Animation4
ENTA 1321Intermediate Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1322Introduction to Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1323Industry Preparation in Entertainment Arts4
Term 4
ENTA 2120Visual Storytelling in 3D Animation4
ENTA 2121Rigging in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2122Advanced Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2123Advanced Texturing and Surfacing4
Term 5
ENTA 2220Advanced Character Animation in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2221LookDev and Lighting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2222Advanced Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2223Advanced Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 6
ENTA 23213D Animation Project: Preproduction4
ENTA 23223D Animation Project: Production4
ENTA 23233D Animation Project: Production Finals4
ENTA 23243D Animation Portfolio4
 Total Credits96

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of this program, students are eligible to receive a Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling.

This online version of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar is the official version of the University Calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, KPU reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email Calendar.Editor@kpu.ca

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12666 72 Avenue
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© 2022-2023 Kwantlen Polytechnic University

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While starting with the observation of traditional drawing and sculpting techniques, students will take these skills into their 3D models, environments and 3D animations. The integration of look development, shading and compositing fundamentals helps bring both 3D models and animations together for polished, final compositions.

The Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling program is best suited for students that display an artistic or creative background. A foundation in technical and/or software skills is also beneficial.

Faculty's website: kpu.ca/arts/

Department's website: kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty's Admission Requirements, which consist of KPU's undergraduate English Proficiency Requirement, the following program admission requirements apply:

  • Portfolio review. Faculty will review the eligibility of candidates based on the contents of their portfolio and suitability for the program.

Portfolio Review

Faculty members will review and select candidates based on the contents of their portfolio. For detailed information about portfolio requirements, visit the department website at kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts/portfolio-requirements

Continuance Requirements

Seat availability is based on priority for students who continue in all courses as per the prescribed program plan. Students must achieve a minimum grade of D in all required courses. Non-adherence to these requirements will result in removal from the program. Re-admission into the program will be based on seat availability and approval by the program.

Curricular Requirements

Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in all required courses.

Students must complete all of the following requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
Term 1Credits
ENTA 11203D Animation Principles and Techniques4
ENTA 1121Introduction to 3D in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1122Perspective in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1123Cinematics for Animation and VFX4
Term 2
ENTA 1220Introduction to 3D Animation4
ENTA 1221Introduction to Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1222Introduction to Texturing and Surfacing4
ENTA 1223Introduction to Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 3
ENTA 1320Intermediate 3D Animation4
ENTA 1321Intermediate Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1322Introduction to Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1323Industry Preparation in Entertainment Arts4
Term 4
ENTA 2120Visual Storytelling in 3D Animation4
ENTA 2121Rigging in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2122Advanced Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2123Advanced Texturing and Surfacing4
Term 5
ENTA 2220Advanced Character Animation in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2221LookDev and Lighting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2222Advanced Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2223Advanced Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 6
ENTA 23213D Animation Project: Preproduction4
ENTA 23223D Animation Project: Production4
ENTA 23233D Animation Project: Production Finals4
ENTA 23243D Animation Portfolio4
 Total Credits96

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of this program, students are eligible to receive a Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling.

This online version of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar is the official version of the University Calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, KPU reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email Calendar.Editor@kpu.ca

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12666 72 Avenue
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The Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling program is best suited for students that display an artistic or creative background. A foundation in technical and/or software skills is also beneficial.

Faculty's website: kpu.ca/arts/

Department's website: kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty's Admission Requirements, which consist of KPU's undergraduate English Proficiency Requirement, the following program admission requirements apply:

  • Portfolio review. Faculty will review the eligibility of candidates based on the contents of their portfolio and suitability for the program.

Portfolio Review

Faculty members will review and select candidates based on the contents of their portfolio. For detailed information about portfolio requirements, visit the department website at kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts/portfolio-requirements

Continuance Requirements

Seat availability is based on priority for students who continue in all courses as per the prescribed program plan. Students must achieve a minimum grade of D in all required courses. Non-adherence to these requirements will result in removal from the program. Re-admission into the program will be based on seat availability and approval by the program.

Curricular Requirements

Students must achieve a minimum grade of C in all required courses.

Students must complete all of the following requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
Term 1Credits
ENTA 11203D Animation Principles and Techniques4
ENTA 1121Introduction to 3D in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1122Perspective in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1123Cinematics for Animation and VFX4
Term 2
ENTA 1220Introduction to 3D Animation4
ENTA 1221Introduction to Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1222Introduction to Texturing and Surfacing4
ENTA 1223Introduction to Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 3
ENTA 1320Intermediate 3D Animation4
ENTA 1321Intermediate Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1322Introduction to Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 1323Industry Preparation in Entertainment Arts4
Term 4
ENTA 2120Visual Storytelling in 3D Animation4
ENTA 2121Rigging in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2122Advanced Modelling in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2123Advanced Texturing and Surfacing4
Term 5
ENTA 2220Advanced Character Animation in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2221LookDev and Lighting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2222Advanced Sculpting in Entertainment Arts4
ENTA 2223Advanced Computer Animation Production in Entertainment Arts4
Term 6
ENTA 23213D Animation Project: Preproduction4
ENTA 23223D Animation Project: Production4
ENTA 23233D Animation Project: Production Finals4
ENTA 23243D Animation Portfolio4
 Total Credits96

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of this program, students are eligible to receive a Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling.

This online version of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar is the official version of the University Calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, KPU reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email Calendar.Editor@kpu.ca

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Faculty's website: kpu.ca/arts/

Department's website: kpu.ca/arts/entertainment-arts

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