MB BS Medicine and Surgery
Our MB BS degree uses an integrated teaching approach. The degree is delivered in two Phases: Phase 1 (Stages 1 and 2) involves the study of key subject areas such as cardiovascular, respiratory and renal medicine; Phase 2 (Stages 3 to 5) involves significant clinical experience through placements in the region and further development of your specialist knowledge, such as clinical pharmocology. You will receive clinically focused teaching from our highly trained staff to develop your core medical knowledge, and will develop your clinical competence from the very start of your degree, through a varied menu of early clinical experience, contact with patients and visits to GPs and hospitals and skills development in our dedicated Clinical Skills Laboratory.
Our MB BS degree uses an integrated teaching approach. The degree is delivered in two Phases: Phase 1 (Stages 1 and 2) involves the study of key subject areas such as cardiovascular, respiratory and renal medicine; Phase 2 (Stages 3 to 5) involves significant clinical experience through placements in the region and further development of your specialist knowledge, such as clinical pharmocology. You will receive clinically focused teaching from our highly trained staff to develop your core medical knowledge, and will develop your clinical competence from the very start of your degree, through a varied menu of early clinical experience, contact with patients and visits to GPs and hospitals and skills development in our dedicated Clinical Skills Laboratory.