Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS)
The department offers programs leading to the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees with a major in electrical and computer engineering. These programs prepare students for careers in research and development in such areas as biomedical engineering; circuit design, VLSI, & CAD; communication systems; computer networks, distributed computing, & computer architecture; computer vision & robotic systems, control systems; digital signal & image processing; electromagnetics, microwave, & antennas; microelectronic devices & processing; microelectronic packaging & interconnects; optics; remote sensing & telemetering; and software, simulation & information systems. The department also offers an Online Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering degree.
The department offers programs leading to the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees with a major in electrical and computer engineering. These programs prepare students for careers in research and development in such areas as biomedical engineering; circuit design, VLSI, & CAD; communication systems; computer networks, distributed computing, & computer architecture; computer vision & robotic systems, control systems; digital signal & image processing; electromagnetics, microwave, & antennas; microelectronic devices & processing; microelectronic packaging & interconnects; optics; remote sensing & telemetering; and software, simulation & information systems. The department also offers an Online Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering degree.