MSc Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Econometrics (MORSE)

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Developments in mathematical optimisation and statistics have revolutionised system engineering and has created an urgent need, for a new generation of mathematicians trained to work at the frontiers of mathematical optimization, statistics and their applications to engineering, healthcare, finance and economics.

In recent years, new developments in mathematical optimisation and statistics have revolutionised system engineering, information science, signal and image processing, statistical error correction and cryptography.

This has created urgent need, in both academic research and in practical implementation, for a new generation of mathematicians trained to work at the frontiers of mathematical optimization, statistics and their applications to engineering, healthcare, finance and economics.

This programme is both technical and pragmatic. You will acquire the ability to integrate state-of-the-art knowledge of statistics and optimisation to address, analyse and provide a rational appraisal of a given problem in different professional contexts.

This is a multidisciplinary field that involves the study of mathematical optimisation techniques, operational research methods, programming and statistics with their applications to economics, finance, medicine, industrial management, natural sciences and others.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham have recently shown how the modern optimization and statistical methods are successfully applied to engineering design, financial and economical data analysis, meta-analysis, economic equilibrium, network communication, and combinatorial optimization.


The programme produces highly qualified students in statistics, operations research and econometrics with applications to economics and business management. It also provides ideal preparation for a career in economics, health care, finance, banking, insurance, actuarial science, business management, governmental or academic institutions.

Postgraduate study at the University of Birmingham is a chance to learn from world leaders in their fields. This guarantees you a first-class learning experience, leading to a qualification that is respected the world over and making you an attractive prospect in a very competitive job market.

The course modules and research project will provide you with essential training in quantitative analysis together with multidisciplinary research and communication, a transferable skill which you will find valuable whatever career path you
pursue. Our graduates benefit from a growing global demand for these skills in sectors including economics, medicine, finance, insurance and industrial management.

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4 - 6 weeks after your application is submitted
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