MS Early Childhood Development and Education
The Master of Science program in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) is designed to meet the needs of professionals who want to work with young children and their families. The ECDE program delivers relevant, rigorous course work and related academic experiences.
The program is designed for candidates with undergraduate degrees in a wide range of areas either related to early childhood development and education, such as child development, psychology, communication disorders, sociology, nursing, theatre, music or other degrees. The program of study includes advanced professional development in early child development and education for careers with direct and indirect services for young children and families. Direct early education services to young children and families can include homes, schools, and other community settings, such as child care and Head Start. Indirect services can include: child assessment, program evaluation, child care resource and referral, early learning coalitions, community college instruction, and child advocacy. Graduates of this program are encouraged to serve as a bridge among schools and community agencies and to nurture leadership skills in these areas.
In addition to fostering the professional development of previously certified early childhood teachers, this program will also serve as a connection between schools, families, and community agencies and will provide the educational experiences to nurture educational leaders who will work within and across these areas.
The Early Childhood Development and Education MS program requires a minimum of 36 credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree, including 6 credit hours of core courses, 18 credit hours of specialization courses, 6 credit hours of electives, and 6 credit hours of a capstone experience in the form of a thesis or nonthesis/practicum or additional graduate course credit options.
Total Credit Hours Required: 36 Credit Hours Minimum beyond the Bachelor's Degree
The Master of Science program in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) is designed to meet the needs of professionals who want to work with young children and their families. The ECDE program delivers relevant, rigorous course work and related academic experiences.
The program is designed for candidates with undergraduate degrees in a wide range of areas either related to early childhood development and education, such as child development, psychology, communication disorders, sociology, nursing, theatre, music or other degrees. The program of study includes advanced professional development in early child development and education for careers with direct and indirect services for young children and families. Direct early education services to young children and families can include homes, schools, and other community settings, such as child care and Head Start. Indirect services can include: child assessment, program evaluation, child care resource and referral, early learning coalitions, community college instruction, and child advocacy. Graduates of this program are encouraged to serve as a bridge among schools and community agencies and to nurture leadership skills in these areas.
The Master of Science program in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) is designed to meet the needs of professionals who want to work with young children and their families. The ECDE program delivers relevant, rigorous course work and related academic experiences.
The program is designed for candidates with undergraduate degrees in a wide range of areas either related to early childhood development and education, such as child development, psychology, communication disorders, sociology, nursing, theatre, music or other degrees. The program of study includes advanced professional development in early child development and education for careers with direct and indirect services for young children and families. Direct early education services to young children and families can include homes, schools, and other community settings, such as child care and Head Start. Indirect services can include: child assessment, program evaluation, child care resource and referral, early learning coalitions, community college instruction, and child advocacy. Graduates of this program are encouraged to serve as a bridge among schools and community agencies and to nurture leadership skills in these areas.
In addition to fostering the professional development of previously certified early childhood teachers, this program will also serve as a connection between schools, families, and community agencies and will provide the educational experiences to nurture educational leaders who will work within and across these areas.
The Early Childhood Development and Education MS program requires a minimum of 36 credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree, including 6 credit hours of core courses, 18 credit hours of specialization courses, 6 credit hours of electives, and 6 credit hours of a capstone experience in the form of a thesis or nonthesis/practicum or additional graduate course credit options.
Total Credit Hours Required: 36 Credit Hours Minimum beyond the Bachelor's Degree
The Master of Science program in Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) is designed to meet the needs of professionals who want to work with young children and their families. The ECDE program delivers relevant, rigorous course work and related academic experiences.
The program is designed for candidates with undergraduate degrees in a wide range of areas either related to early childhood development and education, such as child development, psychology, communication disorders, sociology, nursing, theatre, music or other degrees. The program of study includes advanced professional development in early child development and education for careers with direct and indirect services for young children and families. Direct early education services to young children and families can include homes, schools, and other community settings, such as child care and Head Start. Indirect services can include: child assessment, program evaluation, child care resource and referral, early learning coalitions, community college instruction, and child advocacy. Graduates of this program are encouraged to serve as a bridge among schools and community agencies and to nurture leadership skills in these areas.