PhD Management
Kent Business School has over 50 research active academic staff. Postgraduate research can take place in any subject area where they have expertise.
We have international expertise in the following areas: accounting; finance, operational research, international business strategy, organisational behaviour, human resource management, marketing and supply chain management.
Each research student is supported by a supervisory team (usually two members of academic staff) who give guidance about the nature of the research, the standard of work required, and about the relevant literature and sources that should be consulted.
Students meet with supervisors each month in person to agree upon a schedule of work, and bring written work for comment and discussion. The co-supervisor provides additional input and ensures continuity.
Formal progression reviews are held at key points in your programme and each student participates in a mandatory research training programme.
The KBS PhD programme is designed to provide a thorough training for research careers in academia or industry. Our students generally take up academic appointments in UK or international higher education institutions or work in policy or industry settings.
Kent Business School has over 50 research active academic staff. Postgraduate research can take place in any subject area where they have expertise.
We have international expertise in the following areas: accounting; finance, operational research, international business strategy, organisational behaviour, human resource management, marketing and supply chain management.
Each research student is supported by a supervisory team (usually two members of academic staff) who give guidance about the nature of the research, the standard of work required, and about the relevant literature and sources that should be consulted.
Students meet with supervisors each month in person to agree upon a schedule of work, and bring written work for comment and discussion. The co-supervisor provides additional input and ensures continuity.
Formal progression reviews are held at key points in your programme and each student participates in a mandatory research training programme.
The KBS PhD programme is designed to provide a thorough training for research careers in academia or industry. Our students generally take up academic appointments in UK or international higher education institutions or work in policy or industry settings.