MEnv (Hons) Environment, Economics and Ecology
Environment, Economics and Ecology is a unique interdisciplinary degree that advances your critical abilities to tackle real-world environmental challenges, manage economic and social pressures in a sustainable manner, and integrate the benefits that people derive from the environment into policy decisions and practice.
It focuses on ecosystem services as the linkages between human and natural systems, and the need for a holistic socio-ecological approach to understand challenges and solutions to environmental conservation and sustainable development.
Accredited by the Institution of Environmental Sciences.
Environment, Economics and Ecology is a unique interdisciplinary degree that advances your critical abilities to tackle real-world environmental challenges, manage economic and social pressures in a sustainable manner, and integrate the benefits that people derive from the environment into policy decisions and practice.
Environment, Economics and Ecology is a unique interdisciplinary degree that advances your critical abilities to tackle real-world environmental challenges, manage economic and social pressures in a sustainable manner, and integrate the benefits that people derive from the environment into policy decisions and practice.
It focuses on ecosystem services as the linkages between human and natural systems, and the need for a holistic socio-ecological approach to understand challenges and solutions to environmental conservation and sustainable development.
Accredited by the Institution of Environmental Sciences.
Environment, Economics and Ecology is a unique interdisciplinary degree that advances your critical abilities to tackle real-world environmental challenges, manage economic and social pressures in a sustainable manner, and integrate the benefits that people derive from the environment into policy decisions and practice.