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Debunking study abroad myths

Published on: Aug 16, 2021
Debunking study abroad myths
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Lots of us dream of being an international student. Walking into the campus of a foreign university and exploring a new country sends chills down my spine as I type. Many get the opportunity to live their dreams and benefit significantly from it, but some never take the step to try. 

Making this big decision can be daunting, and these study-abroad myths don’t make it any easier. To set the record straight, we have debunked all the common ones. Let's get right to it! 

It is very difficult to secure a seat in a top international university. I won’t get in

This is most probably the first thought that deters many aspirants like yourself. Will a top international university accept your application? Can you convince them that you are qualified and eager to learn through emails and SOPs? – Of course you can!

Today’s universities are very keen on having a diverse student population. They are more than happy to welcome different minds from different nations into their campuses. All you’ve got to do is take some time and come up with a good application satisfying all the entry requirements of your chosen university. 

Also, remember that you can always ask for help at any stage of your study abroad journey.

I can’t afford it. Studying abroad is too costly

Money is undoubtedly an essential component of all our lives, making this one of the most believed myths. There is some truth to it. Studying abroad can be a bit costlier than studying in your native country, but the myth exaggerates it. 

First of all, the cost of studying cannot be generalized; it depends on a lot of factors like the country or city you want to study in, the type of course and university of your choice and so on. If you want to go light on your pocket, you can sit down and analyze these factors to find a course that works.  

Do you have your heart set on a course that you cannot afford independently? No worries, there are still a lot of other ways to fund your studies like scholarships and student loans. With proper planning, you can even get a full-ride scholarship and study for free!

Studying in a different country is dangerous

Universities and the governments of different countries take the safety of their students very seriously. You can check the university website to see the strict security measures they have put in place to keep students like yourself safe and sound. 

 You just need to do some little things from your side, like remembering the emergency contact numbers, being aware of your surroundings and most importantly asking for assistance from the university authorities when in need. 

I will not fit in. It will be tough to make friends abroad

Fitting in is a challenge for a lot of people, and this is a genuine concern for many students. In reality, this is an excellent opportunity where you can come out of your comfort zone and meet new people. 

Many universities have student mixers and other social events to ignite those lifelong friendships. Student societies, clubs and dormitories are also other places where you can strike up a conversation with fellow students. Nowadays, you can even start chatting online with the students at your university before enrolling. Be open to new things and new people. You will do absolutely fine!

I will not be able to find a job after graduation

After all the fun and games, the final goal is to get a job. All the top study destinations have great job opportunities for native students and international students alike. The governments of various countries are also taking a lot of steps to accommodate international graduates. 

For instance, Ireland and the UK offer a 2-year post-study work visa for international graduates, and Canada offers a 3-year post-study work visa. During this period, you can look at many jobs of your liking and find one. You can apply for a work visa before your PSW expires to stay back and continue working.

Everything you need to study abroad
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Employers in my home country won't recognize foreign degrees

We live in the age of globalization with companies operating in multiple countries, so any international experience is highly valued. Studying abroad will make your CV stand out and keep you ahead of your peers.

Even if you want to work for a national company back at home, your international degree will show your prospective employers that you are a calculative risk-taker and that you can adapt and act fast in different situations.

There you have it! Now you can take the first step to study abroad with a clear mind.  

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Study abroad myths
education abroad myths and reality
Study Abroad Myths
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Guest Author | Study Abroad Expert

Cassandra specializes in writing content for the Study Abroad field. With extensive experience assisting students pursui...Read More

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