Cover letters and CV

A step-by-step guide to resumes and interviews with ChatGPT

Updated on: Oct 31, 2023
A step-by-step guide to resumes and interviews with ChatGPT
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In today's competitive job market, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in the hiring process. Employers increasingly rely on AI-driven tools for tasks such as resume screening, candidate assessments, and even conducting interviews. As a result, job seekers, including international students, must adapt to this new landscape to stand out and make a positive impression on potential employers.

International students often face unique challenges during their job search, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and visa regulations. These challenges can make it more difficult for them to craft effective resumes and excel in interviews, hindering their chances of securing job opportunities. To overcome these obstacles, international students need to take advantage of tools and resources that can help them navigate the job market more efficiently.

ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI, offers numerous benefits to international students seeking to improve their resume and interview skills. By providing customised resume suggestions, generating potential interview questions, and offering feedback on responses, ChatGPT can help international students stand out in the global job market. 

This guide will walk you through a step-by-step process of leveraging ChatGPT for resume creation and interview preparation, ensuring that you, as an international student, can make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Also read: The complete guide to mastering your CV

Understanding your resume's layout and design for different countries

Before we begin on how to utilise ChatGPT for your resume it’s vital you understand your resume layout for different countries. 

For the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Ireland, resumes have several key similarities. 

  1. Resume length: For all these countries, a resume length of 1-2 pages is preferred. Aim to keep the content concise and relevant to the specific job application.
  2. Personal information: Include your name, contact details (email, phone number, and address), and LinkedIn URL. It is not recommended to include photographs or personal details such as age, gender, or marital status in any of these countries.
  3. Resume structure: The resumes in all these countries generally follow a reverse-chronological order for listing work experience and education. This means listing your most recent experiences first and working backward in time.
  4. Clear formatting: Resumes should be easy to read and follow a clear, consistent format. Use professional fonts, appropriate margins, and distinct headings for each section.
  5. Customisation: Tailor your resume for each job application by emphasising the relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences for the specific role.
  6. Quantifiable achievements: All countries appreciate resumes that highlight quantifiable achievements, showcasing your accomplishments with numbers, percentages, or other metrics when possible.
  7. Skills: Include a skills section that highlights relevant hard and soft skills, focusing on those most applicable to the job you are applying for.
  8. Additional sections: If relevant, include additional sections such as certifications, awards, volunteer work, or languages to showcase your well-roundedness and additional qualifications.

While the general structure of resumes across the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland is quite similar, there are some subtle differences in layout and content preferences. Here are the key distinctions:

Spelling and Grammar:

  • UK, New Zealand, and Ireland: Use British English spelling and grammar.
  • USA: Use American English spelling and grammar.
  • Canada: Use Canadian English spelling and grammar, which is a mix of British and American English.


  • UK and Ireland: The term "CV" (Curriculum Vitae) is more commonly used instead of "resume."
  • USA, Canada, and New Zealand: The term "resume" is more commonly used.

Date format:

  • UK, Ireland, and New Zealand: Use the day-month-year format (e.g., 11 April 2023).
  • USA and Canada: Use the month-day-year format (e.g., April 11, 2023).

Cultural nuances:

  • USA: Focus on action-oriented language and quantifiable achievements.
  • UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland: Emphasise clear, concise, and targeted language, with an emphasis on quantifiable achievements.

Personal information:

  • In all countries mentioned, it is not recommended to include photographs or personal details such as age, gender, or marital status.
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A basic structure to use for your resume (with examples)

A basic resume structure that can be adapted for use in the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland includes the following sections:

Contact information

  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Mailing address (optional)
  • LinkedIn URL


Contact Information

Jane Smith

+1 (123) 456-7890

123 Main St, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country

Professional summary (optional)

  • A brief 2-4 sentence overview of your professional background, highlighting your relevant skills, experience, and career objectives.


Detail-oriented and results-driven marketing professional with over five years of experience in developing successful social media campaigns, content creation, and digital marketing strategies. Seeking to leverage my expertise to contribute to the growth and success of an innovative company.

Work experience

  • List your work experience in reverse-chronological order, starting with the most recent position.
  • Include the job title, company name, location, and dates of employment.
  • For each position, provide 3-5 bullet points that describe your responsibilities, achievements, and quantifiable results, using action verbs and targeted language.


Social Media Manager | XYZ Marketing Agency, New York, NY, USA | June 2019 - Present

  • Managed and grew social media presence for 10+ clients, resulting in a 25% average increase in engagement and 20% increase in website traffic.
  • Developed and executed targeted content strategies, including the creation of blog posts, infographics, and videos.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement and optimise paid social media advertising campaigns, reducing cost per click by 15%.

Marketing Coordinator | ABC Company, Boston, MA, USA | May 2016 - May 2019

  • Coordinated and executed email marketing campaigns, leading to a 10% increase in open rates and a 5% increase in click-through rates.
  • Assisted in the planning and execution of trade shows and corporate events, increasing brand awareness and generating 100+ new leads.
  • Conducted market research and competitor analysis to inform marketing strategies and increase market share by 3%.


  • List your educational background in reverse-chronological order, starting with the most recent degree.
  • Include the degree name, major (if applicable), institution name, location, and graduation date or expected graduation date.
  • Mention any relevant honors, awards, or scholarships, if applicable.

Bachelor of Science in Marketing | XYZ University, City, State/Province, Country | May 2016

  • Graduated with Honors
  • Recipient of the Marketing Excellence Scholarship


  • List relevant hard and soft skills that are applicable to the job you are applying for.
  • Use bullet points or a table format to showcase your skills.


  • Social Media Management (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Content Creation (Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, WordPress)
  • Digital Marketing (SEO, Google Analytics, Email Marketing)
  • Project Management (Trello, Asana)
  • Communication and Collaboration

Additional sections (if applicable)

  • Certifications: List any relevant certifications or licenses you have earned.
  • Awards and Honors: Mention any notable awards or honors you have received.
  • Volunteer Work: Include any relevant volunteer experience that showcases your skills or commitment to the community.
  • Languages: List any additional languages you speak, along with your proficiency level.
  • Professional Affiliations: Include memberships to any professional organisations or associations.

Also read: 9 extracurricular activities to do at university that can give your CV a boost


  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification
  • HubSpot Content Marketing Certification

Awards and Honors:

  • XYZ University Marketing Department's Top Project Award

Volunteer Work:

  • Social Media Coordinator, Local Nonprofit Organisation (2018 - Present)


  • Fluent in English and Spanish

Now that you understand the structure, let’s get to how to use ChatGPT to create and tailor this for you. 

Also read: 5 CV structures you need to know about (and which one you should choose)

A step-by-step guide: Crafting a tailored resume for international students using ChatGPT

Step 1: Customising your resume for each job application

Input the job description text into ChatGPT and ask the AI to highlight the most important aspects required for the role.

  • Example: For a marketing job, ChatGPT might identify keywords like "content creation," "social media management," and "SEO."

Step 2: Tailoring your resume for the identified keywords

Based on the findings from Step 1, emphasise your experience and achievements in the identified areas to make your resume more relevant to the specific job.

  • Example: Highlight your expertise in content creation, social media management, and SEO when applying for a marketing position.

Step 3: Enhancing language clarity and impact for a global audience

Input your resume text into ChatGPT and request suggestions for more effective phrasing and word choice.

  • Example: ChatGPT will provide alternative wording that ensures your skills and experiences are communicated clearly and concisely.

Step 4: Rewriting resume bullet points for clarity and impact

Implement the suggested improvements from Step 5 to enhance your resume.

Original bullet point: "Worked on social media posts and collaborated with the team."

  • Revised bullet point (using ChatGPT suggestions): "Developed engaging social media content and collaborated with cross-functional teams to drive brand awareness."

By following these steps and leveraging ChatGPT, you can create a tailored, impactful resume that effectively showcases your achievements and qualifications to potential employers in different countries.

How to prepare for job interviews with ChatGPT for international students

Researching the company, role, and country-specific expectations

  • Gathering information with ChatGPT

Use ChatGPT to gather relevant information about the company, role, and country-specific expectations by inputting specific questions related to your target job and company.

  • Example: Researching a UK-based company for a software engineering role

Ask ChatGPT questions like "What is the company culture at [UK-based company]?" or "What are the key skills required for a software engineering role in the UK?" to gather valuable insights.

Practicing interview questions and answers with ChatGPT

  • Generating potential interview questions and model answers

Use ChatGPT to generate a list of potential interview questions and model answers by inputting a prompt such as "Generate interview questions and answers for a software engineering role."

  • Example: Practicing a response to "Tell me about a time you overcame a challenge."

Input your response to the question and ask ChatGPT for feedback, suggestions, or improvements. This can help you refine your answer and make it more compelling for interviewers.

Refining your responses and body language for different cultures

  • Receiving real-time feedback from ChatGPT

Request real-time feedback from ChatGPT on your interview responses and body language to ensure they are appropriate for the target country's culture. For example, ask, "How should I adjust my body language for a UK interview setting?"

  • Example: Adjusting your response style for a UK interview setting

ChatGPT may suggest that you maintain a friendly and approachable tone, make eye contact, and use appropriate gestures during the interview. This can help you make a positive impression on potential employers in the UK and ensure that your responses are aligned with the cultural norms of the country.

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Ethical considerations when using ChatGPT for international students

The limitations of AI tools and the importance of seeking feedback from human mentor

While AI tools like ChatGPT can be a helpful resource for international students in the job search process, it's important to keep in mind that they are not perfect and may have limitations or biases. AI language models are based on large datasets and statistical algorithms, which means that they may not always capture the nuances of different cultural contexts or personal experiences.

For example, ChatGPT may suggest wording or phrasing that is grammatically correct but does not reflect the cultural norms or expectations of the target country. In such cases, it's essential to seek feedback from human mentors or professionals who have personal experience with the job market and culture of the country.

Moreover, human mentors or professionals can provide valuable insights into the unique requirements of the specific industry or job position. They can help you identify and articulate the skills, experiences, and qualifications that are most relevant to the target job, as well as provide feedback on your resume, cover letter, or interview responses.

By combining the insights and expertise of AI tools like ChatGPT with the guidance of human mentors or professionals, international students can create a powerful and effective job application that showcases their unique qualifications and connects with potential employers on a personal level. It's important to strike a balance between using AI tools and seeking feedback from human mentors to ensure that your application materials are both optimised and authentic.

Balancing AI assistance with personal touch and authenticity

While ChatGPT can be a helpful tool in crafting resumes and preparing for job interviews, it's important to strike a balance between using AI assistance and maintaining a personal touch and authenticity in your application materials. AI can provide useful suggestions for wording, formatting, and content, but it's important to ensure that your resume and interview responses still reflect your unique experiences and qualifications.

You should consider using ChatGPT as a tool to supplement your own expertise, rather than relying solely on its suggestions. Remember, potential employers are looking for a personal connection with you, not just a perfectly optimised resume.

Being mindful of potential bias in AI suggestions for different cultures

When it comes to potential biases in AI suggestions for different cultures, one example could be the use of language. ChatGPT may suggest certain phrases or words that are considered appropriate or effective in one culture, but may be inappropriate or ineffective in another culture. 

For instance, using overly direct language may be more acceptable in some cultures, while in others it may be seen as rude or aggressive.

Another example could be the use of humor or colloquialisms. AI tools may suggest the use of humor or colloquial language in certain contexts, but these may not be universally understood or appreciated in different cultures. What may be considered funny or engaging in one culture may not translate well in another culture.

Additionally, cultural norms around professional conduct and behavior can differ between cultures. AI tools may suggest certain behaviors or attitudes that may be acceptable in one culture, but may be seen as inappropriate or disrespectful in another culture. For instance, in some cultures, being overly self-promoting may be frowned upon, while in others it may be seen as a necessary part of the job search process.

By being mindful of these potential biases and seeking feedback from individuals with personal experience in the target culture, international students can ensure that their application materials are culturally appropriate and effective. They should also be prepared to use their own judgment to determine whether or not AI suggestions align with their personal values and experiences.


As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, it's more important than ever for international students to craft strong resumes and prepare effectively for job interviews. AI tools like ChatGPT can be extremely helpful in this process, offering tailored suggestions for resume content and interview responses that can help international students stand out to potential employers.

We encourage international students to leverage AI assistance in their job search process, while also being mindful of the importance of personal authenticity and connection in their application materials. By striking a balance between AI assistance and personal expertise, international students can create powerful, effective resumes and interview responses that highlight their unique skills and experiences.

At the same time, it's important to remember that AI tools are not perfect and may have limitations or biases. We urge international students to use AI suggestions with caution, seeking feedback from peers, mentors, or professionals in their target country to ensure that their application materials are culturally appropriate and effective.

Overall, ChatGPT and other AI tools offer a valuable resource for international students in the job search process. By leveraging these tools in a thoughtful and ethical way, international students can maximise their chances of success and find meaningful employment opportunities around the world.

Take the next step with Edvoy

Now that you're equipped with the knowledge of AI tools to craft an impressive resume and prepare for job interviews, it's time to take the next step in your career journey. Edvoy is an excellent platform designed to help students like you navigate the challenges of studying abroad and pursuing your dream career.

By creating an account on Edvoy, you'll gain access to personalised advice, resources, and support tailored to your unique needs and goals. Our team of experts is committed to helping you make informed decisions and ensuring your success, both academically and professionally.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to maximise your potential and join a community of ambitious, like-minded individuals. 

Create your Edvoy account today and start unlocking the doors to a world of opportunities!

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