How to write an SOP for MBA

Updated on Jun 24, 2024
How to write an SOP for MBA

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As a study abroad aspirant, you all must have known the importance of drafting a solid Statement Of Purpose. An SOP is a letter of intent that holds descriptive content about your career, goals, knowledge, skillset, interests and hobbies. It also speaks about the driving force and the primary reason behind pursuing a particular course or program.

Every admission and recruiting panel of top universities considers this as a significant factor to take you onboard since it will represent who you are and narrate your plan to pursue higher education!

Don't miss these proven Statement of Purpose (SOP) templates. Download now for free!

For a professional degree like MBA, having an in-depth SOP is essential since there will be career expertise with academic and co-curricular knowledge.

So let us find out how to draft the start SOP for MBA!

Importance of drafting an SOP

  • The SOP for an MBA is a crucial element in your application process.
  • It gives an idea to the admission committee about you and gives them a peek into your background.
  • It acts as the portrayal, and the sneak peek for your complete application and even your aspirations!
  • It is the podium and the space where you can pitch your purpose and the reasons why the admissions panel should choose you over other applicants!
  • To sum up, the SOP is a magic tool to leverage your GPA and average test scores. Statement Of Purpose adds a subjective aspect and thus optimises your application!
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Drafting a strong Statement of Purpose

Now we know the crucial role an SOP plays in an application. So let us move forward on learning more about top points to add in an SOP.

Well, there is no typical format and structure to complete your SOP. But most of the significant universities guide their applicants with jotted down points on what is to be kept in your Statement Of Purpose.

Your SOP does not contain bullet points and just facts on the sheet. Instead, it will be narrative, descriptive and free-flowing like a story. Your key attributes to be stated will be distributed coherently in consecutive paragraphs. So here are a few points that have to be present in your Statement Of Purpose.

  • Your history
  • Accomplishments that you have done in your personal life.
  • Your professional objectives.
  • The reason why you are planning to pursue higher education and especially an MBA degree.
  • A reason statement on why you believe that the university you are applying to is the best space to achieve your goals.

Moreover, an SOP should have a clear flow from start to finish, and the readability should be engaging. Make sure that your SOP contains 3-4 paragraphs. The significant statements should be broken down and distributed evenly and coherently throughout your SOP article. In most cases,

1st Paragraph: The first paragraph is the central introduction part that throws significant light on how you decided to pursue your MBA degree and your primary motivation behind pursuing that course. Since the first impression is the best, make sure that this first part is evocative, innovative, crisp and witty! This will engage the readers to continue further!

2nd Paragraph: Then, the second paragraph generally narrates your background, academic and professional achievements and goals for the future. At the same time, when you are describing the last part, curate specifically as short and long-term goals. In the former one, give a brief on your professional plans. For the latter one, say about your future and lifetime objectives.

3rd Paragraph: The third paragraph should spotlight why you chose to pursue an MBA in that particular university specifically at this point in your life.

Finally, the last paragraph should be the conclusion of your SOP for MBA. So, keep it impactful and powerful. Describe your plans to contribute to the university and how your skillset, accomplishments and past experiences influence your contribution. To sum up, keep it in a nutshell on how will you be an asset to the institute!

Also read: How to write an SOP

How to write an SOP for MBA?

While curating the content specific to your MBA application, the SOP should not be dull or cramped up with more data. So make sure that the paragraphs are coherent and the vital information is distributed evenly. The word count should be 1000-1500.

To provide you with a picture of how key attributes should be distributed throughout your SOP for MBA, here is a quick sum up to place them in your content.

Academic background and Achievements15%
Professional background and work experience20%
Co-curricular accomplishments10%
The reason why you are pursuing MBA at this time20%
Your career goals and aims post-MBA15%
Long-term goals10%
Solid and impactful conclusion on why you chose the particular university to pursue your MBA10%

SOP for MBA Specialisation

Let us look at the SOP for each specialisation in the administration and management stream!

SpecialisationObjectiveEssential skillset to be highlighted on SOP
MarketingShould showcase a high level of motivation and strong willpower to forerun.In-depth knowledge and understanding of diverse marketing areas Handling senior marketing responsibilities.
FinanceUnderstanding financial administrations, banking, acquisitions and mergers.Analyse the company's financial reports. Manage diverse financial data. Strategise budget plans in a firm.
Human Resource ManagementStudent's ability to understand and handle a company's culture.Team handling. Understanding and studying people's character. Decision-making and solution strategising.
Operations ManagementPlanning, creation and management of resources.Business statistics, project management and innovation management.
International BusinessShould be aware of how the globalisation of business will integrate commercial activities with global trade.Communication skills, ability to handle challenging tasks, and knowledge of trade policies.
Information TechnologyA focussed discussion on data management, e-governance and communication in the internet world.Basic knowledge of software engineering, innovative ideologies on expanding one's business via technology and understanding technological trends.

Also read: Statement of purpose example

DOs and DON'Ts while drafting an SOP for MBA


  • Keep an engaging beginning and an impactful end to your SOP for MBA.
  • Let your SOP speak about your accomplishments and goals that brushes your past, present and future.
  • Do brief research about the university you are applying to and the course you plan to pursue there. This will help you keep your SOP connected to your plans in relevance to the value you can add to that institute.
  • Write your Statement of Purpose in active voice. Let the tone be positive, conveying your passion for the course and your goals.


  • Do not exceed the word limit or be so short. Keeping the SOP crisp doesn't mean it should be so shallow.
  • Do not mention your assessment scores specifically.
  • Avoid repetition or plagiarism.

Guidelines for a perfect SOP!

Here's what our Edvoy experts suggest as tips for writing a winning SOP to land on your dream destination and pursue an MBA! Visit our knowledge base to have a clear vision of the concept!

You can follow this wireframe to kickstart your SOP seamlessly

  • Prepare a list of what you wish to include.
  • Ideate on the theme of your SOP.
  • Prune the list.
  • Research about the course and the university.
  • Write, edit and proofread!

Make a note of these essential tips while curating your SOP for MBA!

  • The admissions committee will focus on self-motivation, competence, potential as a graduate student.
  • Emphasise everything positively and write in active voice.
  • Demonstrate everything with an example.
  • If something important happened to you in your life that impacted your grades, quote that. Keep your tone affirmative, showing your perseverance despite obstacles. You can elaborate more on your statement.
  • Make sure everything is linked with coherence.
  • Unless the specific program says otherwise, be concise; an ideal essay should tell everything it needs to with brevity. Approximately 500 to 1000 well-selected words (1- 2 single space pages in 12 point font) is better than more words with less clarity and poor organisation.

Successful MBA statement of purpose examples

It is worth spending time planning how you want to structure your sop before starting. Then, when it comes to expanding your statement, you should have plenty of ideas and lived experiences to include.

When you have your preferred structure in mind, read through our sop for MBA examples below for some inspiration. Each one focuses on two students with different educational, work and family backgrounds. But, each student uses unique experiences to make a case for why they want to complete an MBA.

Student 1

As part of my undergraduate degree, I spent my Erasmus year in Paris. During the Easter holidays, some friends and I travelled the country and in provincial, rural villages in France. Here, we saw the hard work and lifelong commitment of small shop owners. After a conversation with a small bakery owner, I learned how every penny counts for a small business, but also how creativity can drive customer sales. This baker had hand-crafted hundreds of easter cookies that were personally made for some children in the village and he planned to hand them out for free over Easter weekend. While he would incur a loss in profits, he knew the act of generosity and humility would be repaid in customer commitment from parents in the town.

Since this interaction, I have been mindful of how marketing is central to any successful business and thinking about how one action can provoke a reaction and increase sales is creative, not just linear.

As a result, I decided to find out more about local businesses and I took a part-time job at a local clothes shop whilst finishing my undergraduate degree. Here, I learnt more about the foundations of a small business, such as stock checking, financial short-term, medium-term and long-term planning, customer service and advertising. However, I also put my communication skills from my French and English Literature degree to good use. I also learnt quickly that being customer-facing and personable was one of the key drivers in revenue and repeat sales. But, I also asked the shop owner to think of some marketing strategies to try and bring in new customers. As a result, we promoted a buy one item, get an accessory free promotion on a day that coincided with the town’s monthly farmer’s market. We promoted the offer for two weeks before the day with flyers and through word of mouth by telling our customers. It was a success and we boosted profits for that day.

I was filled with joy and genuine excitement that this idea paid off for the shop. In addition, the success fed my desire to be creative but also confirmed my belief that good businesses achieve through solid marketing and advertising. The experience was key in inspiring me to take my first big career step into business after university. I secured a Marketing Manager role at a start-up company that sells recyclable clothing and accessories.

Although the role is not directly linked to my degree, it is a position that I take pride in and where I can feed my creativity. In addition, I love helping the company to grow, bring in new customers and be successful. Ultimately, this drive to better the organisation and help it become the best it can be inspired me.

However, I have aspirations to start my own company someday and I want to improve my all-around knowledge and skills in business management, which is why I am committed to completing an MBA degree next year. I believe I can be a proactive student in the MBA course by sharing real-life business experiences and knowledge of marketing, effective communication and small businesses. But, I am eager to learn more from experts in areas where I want to progress, such as finance, human resources and people management. If offered a place on this course, I would bring genuine passion and dedication to excel in business.


This student does not mention their undergraduate degree much. But they make up for this by using strong examples from their university life that are useful in an MBA course.

First, they hook the admissions officers with an inspiring story that influenced ongoing decisions that led to their eventual career in business. This is also vital because it explains everything that influenced them to apply for an MBA course.

Also, in the closing statement, this student states that they can offer unique knowledge from their work life that someone else cannot. This is an excellent way to end your sop because it shows this student wants to give something to the course as well as learn something new.

Student 2

From a young age, I learned the value of hard work and committing to work. I worked with my dad as a landscape gardener in my teen years. Whilst working with him, I learnt that he started as a labourer, but never really enjoyed it so changed his career when he could. Now, he runs his own successful business with many clients who value his work and custom.

Having this early experience inspired me to pursue my dream to start my own clothing brand, which I have had a passion for since my childhood. I knew then that a blend of education and work experience would be the perfect combination to give me all I needed to create a successful business. After finishing school, I went to university and studied for a BA in Business Studies. My learning here was invaluable as I learnt the value of creating a unique business plan and found out all about the core features of running a business, like finances, accounting and legal procedures.

But, one area where I excelled was in project management and planning. In one module, we worked in groups to form a project plan for a struggling business and presented our vision to improve the situation to our group. Through this task, I led the communications and people management section and created a way to improve direct customer communication and staff training aspects of the business. This showed initiative and it was a helpful experience to get a real feel for the possible problems I could encounter as an aspiring entrepreneur.

Whilst on my course, I also took a proactive approach and worked part-time at the local student newsagent. Even though this started as a job to help fund my living costs, I learned more about how a small business runs and how important the small details like taking stock and talking to regular customers are to keep a business running smoothly. With hands-on experience and working with the store manager, I learnt the value of customer service and the breakdown of costs and expenditures in different business forms.

Having recently graduated with a 2:1 in Business Studies, I feel ready to progress to the next stage as I continue to plan for the future of my clothing brand company. With real-life experience, course knowledge and a determination to succeed and get my business running, I believe I can bring plenty of strong credentials to the MBA. In addition, I have regularly shown my ability to learn, grow and develop which I feel gives me strong grounds to succeed in this course.

Don't miss these proven Statement of Purpose (SOP) templates. Download now for free!


Here, this student frequently refers back to his main motivation for wanting to complete an MBA. Their desire to set up a future business does not appear like a one-off idea, but a genuine, lifelong dream that they have worked towards for years.

In addition, they show commitment to learning and developing their knowledge of business so it can be used in real life. Showing how you have applied what you have learnt in a previous course or subject demonstrates that you have a goal to use your course material outside of the university.

One of the strengths of this student's sop for MBA is through the skills and knowledge gained on their undergraduate course. The student picks a few strong examples that show his growth and ability to perform at a degree level that shows they are ready to move on to an MBA.

Now, you have all the tools you need to impress the admissions officers with your MBA sop and secure a place on your dream course.

Before you submit your statement, it is worth reading back a few times. Firstly, this will help to ensure your essay is grammatically perfect and well-structured. Second, re-reading will also help you get a feel for your story and experiences as if you are reading as the admissions officer.

Remember, this is your chance to make a lasting first impression on the staff at your preferred university. If you are positive, honest and hook the officers reading your statement, you will be in a good position to complete the rest of your MBA application.

So, did you get rid of the writers’ block and are you all set to type the first line of your SOP? That’s great! You can visit edvoy and connect with our experts to complete your application process after getting your doubts cleared!

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Haripriya, a dedicated writer with a passion for art, is committed to delivering engaging and informative articles in th...Read More

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