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Managing university as an autistic student: useful resources

Updated on: Nov 8, 2023
Managing university as an autistic student: useful resources
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For many students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), understanding the support available to them at university is extremely important.

Universities are committed to providing support and advice to help students get the most out of their time at university. 

For World Autism Awareness Day, we’ve put together a collection of resources from our amazing partner universities to demonstrate how the institutions that we work with work alongside students to give them the help they need .

From pre-university and applications, to graduation and beyond, here’s how your university can work to support you.

From the University of Leicester, here is a collection of videos made by autistic students for autistic students, discussing how to manage lectures, seminars, and group work at the University. 

Leicester also has some great advice for helping both current and future students on the spectrum adapt to life at university. This includes templates and examples for your first email to your tutor, coursework adjustments that have been used before, as well as advice about the more social side of university life. 

The University of Brighton also has some great resources available to support their autistic students. 

This webpage goes through everything they can do to help you, from the moment you apply through your entire time at Brighton. 

The page details academic help they can give you, including:

  • Coordinating personal support for you, including note-takers in lectures and learning support tutors.
  • Organising extra time or scribes in exams.
  • Advising your lecturers and tutors on how you learn best. 

They also offer various other non-academic support, including financial help and advice on accommodation. 

The University of Exeter offers this support page, which details how they can help you with an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), which details what support you might need and when, 

Exeter also offers an ASD social group, and transition days at the beginning of each academic year to help you settle in smoothly. 

If you are a current student at Exeter who has not been diagnosed with ASD but suspect that you may have it, you can book an appointment to see an AccessAbility adviser, who can discuss your options with you and refer you further if necessary. 

The University of Bath offers a fantastic summer school designed to help students with a wide range of disabilities to adjust to the differences between school and university. You don’t need to have applied for a course at the University of Bath to attend.

The University can also provide support with admissions, support during your time at university, and even career support for when you leave. 

Each year, Bath also holds a Bath Employment Spring School, which is free to attend if you are a student or graduate of the University. 

Run by their Centre for Applied Autism Research and JP Morgan, this two-day event gives support in transitioning from university to the world of work. 

There are lots of resources available to support autistic students at university - this is only a very small taste. Contact your chosen university to see what they can offer.

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World Autism Awareness Day
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Nicole is a specialised study abroad content writer. With extensive experience in study abroad consultancy, She has been...Read More

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