Why choose Roehampton University to study abroad?

Updated on: Nov 8, 2023
Why choose Roehampton University to study abroad?
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Choosing to study abroad in the UK is a pretty huge decision in itself, but then comes an even bigger question — which UK university should you choose? 

With over 164 UK universities to decide from, it can be a daunting decision. But here at Edvoy, our job is to make your study abroad decisions that little bit easier!

With that in mind, we’re going to zoom in and focus on The University of Roehampton — arguably one of the best UK universities for studying abroad.  

Based on a beautiful, sprawling campus in Southwest London where classical Victorian era architecture meets more modernist designs, Roehampton only became a university in 2004.

However, its history goes back as far as 1841, when Whitelands College (one of its four present-day constituent colleges) was founded as a women’s teacher training college. 

But that’s quite enough history for now. Let’s take a closer look at why you’ll want to consider studying at Roehampton University!

Top reasons to choose Roehampton University to study abroad

  1. Enjoy London life
  2. Attend a top 10 London university
  3. Join a diverse international community
  4. Get amazing international student support
  5. Apply for great scholarships for international students
  6. Creative degrees abound at Roehampton
  7. Study on a beautiful campus
  8. Choose from a great selection of accommodation
  9. Take advantage of amazing facilities

1. Enjoy London life

If you’re going to head to the UK to study, why not make it London? One of the world’s quintessential “mega-cities”, London is a melting pot of culture, history, sights, sounds, neighbourhood diversity, and nightlife. Its population is almost 10 million, yet it's still growing in popularity!  

Roehampton University is in the Southwest of the city, not far from well-known areas Chelsea, Fulham, Hammersmith and Wimbledon (where the tennis happens!). 

Meanwhile, there’s plenty of green space despite living in such an urban city, with Putney Heath and the huge Richmond Park just minutes away from campus!

For the record, Richmond Park is home to hundreds of deer, even today.

So in short, by studying at Roehampton University, you get to live in crazy busy London, but you can easily chill out away from all the hubbub. 

2. Attend a top 10 London university

With 18 universities in the capital, it’s quite a competitive scene! The fact then, that Roehampton University is consistently ranked in the top 10, is pretty impressive. 

It’s also ranked 3rd in London for research quality in Education, as well as 4th for English. Meanwhile, close to 70% of the research carried out at Roehampton is judged to be world leading! 

While we’re on the topic of accolades and awards, it’s worth a mention that Roehampton University is ranked a TEF Silver institution.

Basically, this is an award assigned by the Teaching Excellence Framework (an independently led system  which judges the quality of education at universities in England). 

3. Join a diverse international community

When studying abroad, it’s always a real bonus if your university has a diverse community which can help you feel more at home and less prone to culture shock. 

Roehampton University checks the right boxes here, with over 140 countries represented amongst its 8,000 total students. 

There’s also a great deal of care given to these international students, with help upon arrival, orientation and pre-course English language lessons if you need them. 

4. Get amazing international student support

Since we’ve already mentioned some features of the support for international students at Roehampton University, let’s get into some more.

There’s a great onus put on helping international students apply to and settle into life at Roehampton University.  

Just navigating their website alone is easy and all information is super simple to follow. There are English language courses available, over 50 societies to join to make friends, a dedicated International Team who are there to help you and can be contacted any time, and there’s also plenty of help offered in finding accommodation too (more on that below)!

5. Apply for great scholarships for international students

London isn’t the cheapest place to live and study, but there may be some way for you to make it more affordable!

Roehampton offers a range of international scholarships for undergraduate students, which you can click to learn more about. 

Thinking of heading there for a postgrad degree instead? Well, there are options for international postgraduate scholarships too!

If you are thinking of trying to get a scholarship, check out our article on how to apply for one!

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6. Creative degrees abound at Roehampton

The university as a whole has a pretty great standing, but when it comes to creative and artistic degrees, Roehampton’s reputation really soars. 

Film, Journalism, Creative Writing, and Photography degrees are considered the standouts here. Indeed, world famous children’s author Dame Jacqueline Wilson was the Roehampton University’s chancellor until 2020, while she still teaches modules in the Children's Literature and Creative Writing Master's Degrees. 

Even if these subjects aren’t your thing, you know you’ll at least be in the company of interesting, creative people!

7. Study on a beautiful campus

As mentioned above, the Roehampton University campus is a) gorgeous, and b) pretty huge at 54 acres! 

The campus grounds are made up of 4 old constituent colleges — Digby Stuart College, Froebel College, Southlands College and Whitelands College — all of which are centered around the student accommodation. 

Feel free to take a virtual tour of the campus here!

And, as we talked about already, there’s the sprawling, deer-inhabited Richmond Park and the beautiful Putney Heath just moments away from campus. Not bad for big city living!

8. Choose from a great selection of accommodation

The University of Roehampton’s accommodation options are really great, extremely safe and secure, and indeed some of the best priced student accommodation options in London. 

All new students can avail of the halls of residence, with both high-end and budget friendly quarters to choose from in Bede House and Elm Grove Hall. 

Roehampton University also offers accommodation in central London at the Spring Mews development in Vauxhall, if you want to live closer to the excitement of inner city London. 

If you’re weighing up living in halls or living in a private residence, check out our article on which type of student accomodation in the UK is right for you!

9. Take advantage of amazing facilities

There are enough entertainment and relaxation facilities on campus at Roehampton University that you might not have to go very far to have everything you need!

From an academic perspective, there’s a cutting edge Biomechanics Library, and Physiology, Sport and Exercise Labs, while the library is considered one of the very best in the UK!

And when it comes to entertainment, the Union Bar and the Hive Cafe are two super popular hangout spots, and there’s even a Starbucks if you’re craving something like a Pumpkin Spice Latte or a Cinnamon Roll Frapuccino!

Thinking of studying abroad but not sure how (or where) to start? That’s what we’re here for! Check out our selection of incredible partner universities in the UK and further afield, and get the help and support you need with Edvoy. 

Click here to get started or follow the button below! Good luck!

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Why choose Roehampton University
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Guest Author | Study Abroad Expert

Sean, a freelance writer, copywriter, and editor hailing from Ireland. He finds fulfillment in delving into the world of...Read More

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