BKin Kinesiology
When you study kinesiology at Acadia, you will learn about human movement from many perspectives: You will take related science and arts courses. You can complete a certification or accreditation during your undergraduate studies. Acadia’s Bachelor of Kinesiology program balances theory with hands-on experience. This balance bring the theory to life and gives it relevance. Your experiences, using state-of-the-art equipment, will be invaluable. You will work closely with professors and enjoy expert individual instruction. You can explore electives in areas such as the following: We provide a flexible framework for you to explore and develop as your areas of interest evolve. Kinesiology is challenging and demanding. Even so, the program is ideal if you plan to work in rehabilitation, medicine, or fitness, or as a teacher or coach. The degree is a gateway to many advanced-degree programs in health. These include physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine and chiropractics. Other health-related professions include nursing, midwifery, speech-language pathology and audiology. The degree also prepares you for graduate studies in areas such as the following: The Acadia Kinesiology program is accredited by the Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators. It provides opportunities for you to be certified as a personal trainer or an exercise physiologist. You may also become certified as a strength and conditioning specialist or an athletic therapist. While you study, you will also be given first-rate opportunities for community engagement. You will develop exceptional leadership, team building, communication and networking skills. Our students make a lasting positive impact on the Acadia and Wolfville community.