BS Architectural Studies/Historic Preservation (East Falls Campus)
As a student in the BS Architectural Studies program, you can bring your future career goals into focus by exploring the many options available in the College of Architecture & the Built Environment!
During the first two years, coursework is identical to the Bachelor of Architecture curriculum, providing a seamless gateway point to apply for transfer into the five-year program, or you may prefer to define your career path by delving into specific subjects of professional interest.
Under the guidance of your academic advisor, you can choose to explore two, distinct, but complementary, twelve-credit "minors" from a diverse menu of architecture-related disciplines. Options include design-based specializations, such as urban design, interior design, and landscape architecture; fields that emphasize advanced technologies, such as geodesign and computational design; areas intrinsic to making and constructing buildings and environments, such as building technology and construction management; to fields that support economic and environmental resilience, such as sustainable design, real estate development and historic preservation. Students may also design a "custom" minor that mixes courses from various disciplines.
The Architectural Studies program not only allows you to chart an individualized course of study, but also prepares you to obtain a professional credential. Through our accelerated dual-degree 4+1 and 4+2 programs, students may apply undergraduate coursework towards a master’s degree in a number of fields, including architecture, interior architecture, construction management, geospatial technology for geodesign, sustainable design, historic preservation, urban design, and real estate development. The Architectural Studies program facilitates exploration and lays the groundwork for a successful professional future.