MAT Secondary Education - Physical Education
The Master of Arts in Teaching degree in Secondary Education serves individuals who have never held a teaching certificate or license.
There are two options of study:
The Secondary Education major comprises the following concentrations:
This program is designed to prepare students to sit for applicable licensure or certification in Ohio. If you plan to pursue licensure or certification in a state other than Ohio, please review state educational requirements for licensure or certification and contact information for state licensing boards at Kent State's website for professional licensure disclosure.
The Master of Arts in Teaching degree in Secondary Education serves individuals who have never held a teaching certificate or license.
There are two options of study:
The Secondary Education major comprises the following concentrations:
This program is designed to prepare students to sit for applicable licensure or certification in Ohio. If you plan to pursue licensure or certification in a state other than Ohio, please review state educational requirements for licensure or certification and contact information for state licensing boards at Kent State's website for professional licensure disclosure.