Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Major in Criminology

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The Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology program provides students with a broad, liberal education in social science, criminal justice, and law. Students learn scientific research methods, legal, philosophical and theoretical approaches to aid in understanding crime and related social problems, and social responses to crime. The BA degree program builds on the central core of method and theory and affords students opportunities to hone abstract, logical thinking, and critical understanding of the issues, arguments, and debates that shape the discipline's character and aims.

Contemporary criminology courses developed especially for this degree expose students to cutting-edge theory and research. This program integrates opportunities to engage in undergraduate research, service learning, and practicum placements that provide students with highly transferable and marketable knowledge and skills. For more information, see the Criminology Department webpage:

Students who graduate with a BA degree may apply to law school or pursue a graduate degree in criminology or other disciplines. Those who are interested in applying to graduate school, or who prefer a more extensive research experience, are encouraged to undertake a structured program leading to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Major in Criminology.

Faculty's website:

Department's website:

Admission Requirements

Students pursuing a major in Criminology must be admitted to the Faculty of Arts.

Declaration Requirements

Students intending to graduate with this Faculty of Arts Bachelor’s degree must declare the credential by the time they complete 60 credits of undergraduate coursework. At the time of declaration, the student must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  • In good academic standing with the University
  • Completion of a minimum of 18 credits of undergraduate coursework, including the following with a minimum grade of “C”:
    • 3 credits of ENGL at the 1100 level or higher
    • 6 credits at the 1100 level or higher in the Major area

Curricular Requirements

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree must complete all requirements in the Bachelor of Arts framework in addition to their major or minor program requirements.


Course List
1100 Level
CRIM 1100Introduction to Criminology3
CRIM 1101Introduction to the Criminal Justice System3
CRIM 1107Canadian Legal Systems3
CRIM 1207Introduction to Criminal Law3
CRIM 1208Methods of Research in Criminology3
CRIM 1215Interpersonal and Professional Development in Criminology3
PSYC 1100Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes3
SOCI 1125Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures3
Select one of the following:3
PHIL 1100
General Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1110
Introduction to Moral Philosophy
PHIL 1145
Critical Thinking
PHIL 1150
Introduction to Formal Logic
2000 Level
CRIM 2103Quantitative Data Analysis I3
CRIM 2330Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour3
CRIM 2331Sociological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour3
CRIM 2341Canadian Criminal Justice Administration3
Select one of the following:3
CRIM 2204
Criminal Justice and Psychology
CRIM 2205
Crime, Criminal Justice, and the Media
CRIM 2211
Introduction to Policing
CRIM 2214
Corrections: Theory and Practice
CRIM 2249
Youth Justice
3000 and 4000 Level 1
Select one of the following:3
CRIM 3103
CRIM 3104
Qualitative Research Methods
Select two of the following Group 1 courses:6
Group 1: Theory and Methods
CRIM 3100
Advanced Theories of Crime and Community
CRIM 3111
Contemporary Sociological Criminology
CRIM 3113
Critical Criminology
CRIM 4112
Contemporary Psychological Criminology
Select one of the following Group 2 courses:3
Group 2: Criminal Justice
CRIM 3118
White-Collar & Corporate Crime
CRIM 3213
Community Corrections
CRIM 3249
Issues in Youth Justice
CRIM 4201
Community Safety and Crime Prevention
CRIM 4235
Minorities and the Criminal Justice System
CRIM 4410
Policy and Program Evaluation
Select one of the following Group 3 courses:3
Group 3: Law, Advocacy and Conflict Resolution
CRIM 3302
Procedure and Evidence
CRIM 3305
Law and Society
CRIM 3307
Issues in Conflict Resolution
CRIM 3351
Philosophy of Law
CRIM 4300
Administrative and Regulatory Law
CRIM 4301
Community Advocacy and Human Rights
Select 15 additional credits of any CRIM courses at the 3000 or 4000 level.15
Total Credits72

Students will complete 30 credits in upper-level CRIM courses. All upper-level criminology courses require 6 credits of English as pre-requisites as of Fall 2013.


In addition to the 120 credits required for the Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology, students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Criminology degree must complete the following additional 12 credits:

Course List
CRIM 5000Honours Thesis I3
CRIM 5010Honours Seminar3
CRIM 5020Honours Thesis II6
Total Credits12

Enrolment in Criminology Honours courses requires the permission of the Criminology Honours committee. In order to be considered for Honours courses, students normally must:

  • have completed 90 credits or more at the time of application;
  • achieve a CGPA of 3.5; and
  • have completed CRIM 3104 and CRIM 4410.

Please see for further information regarding application deadlines and selection criteria.

Students may receive either the Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology degree or the Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Criminology degree, but not both.

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of the honours program, students are eligible to receive a Bachelor of Arts (Honours). Transcripts will indicate a Major in Criminology.

Co-operative Education

The Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology is offered with a Co-operative Education option. Co-operative Education gives a student the opportunity to apply the skills gained during academic study in paid, practical work experience semesters. Degree students in the Co-op option are expected to complete a minimum of three work terms while completing their degree. Work terms generally occur full-time in separate 4 month work semesters. Work semesters alternate with academic study.

Students wishing to enter and participate in the Co-op Option must meet the following requirements:

Declaration/Entrance Requirements

  • Declaration into the BA in Criminology
  • Minimum GPA of 2.7

Program Continuance Requirements

  • Completion of COOP 1101 prior to 75 programs credits
  • Minimum program GPA of 2.7
  • Instructor permission

Co-op Requirements

The Co-operative Education designation requires successful completion of the following courses:

Course List
COOP 1101Introduction to Professional and Career Readiness1
COOP 1150Co-op Work Semester 19
COOP 2150Co-op Work Semester 29
COOP 3150Co-op Work Semester 39
COOP 4150
Co-op Work Semester 4
Total Credits28

Note: COOP courses must be completed in ascending numerical order. Contact the Co-op office for information about the possibility of part-time work terms. COOP courses may be used only to satisfy the Co-op designation and cannot be used to satisfy other curricular requirements of the program.

Additional Requirements

In addition to the requirements stated above, all Co-op students must satisfy the General Co-operative Education Requirements.

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of the Co-operative Education Option in the major program, students are eligible to receive a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Co-operative Education Option). Transcripts will indicate a Major in Criminology.

This online version of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar is the official version of the University Calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, KPU reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email

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12666 72 Avenue
Surrey, BC V3W 2M8

© 2022-2023 Kwantlen Polytechnic University

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Contemporary criminology courses developed especially for this degree expose students to cutting-edge theory and research. This program integrates opportunities to engage in undergraduate research, service learning, and practicum placements that provide students with highly transferable and marketable knowledge and skills. For more information, see the Criminology Department webpage:

Students who graduate with a BA degree may apply to law school or pursue a graduate degree in criminology or other disciplines. Those who are interested in applying to graduate school, or who prefer a more extensive research experience, are encouraged to undertake a structured program leading to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Major in Criminology.

Faculty's website:

Department's website:

Admission Requirements

Students pursuing a major in Criminology must be admitted to the Faculty of Arts.

Declaration Requirements

Students intending to graduate with this Faculty of Arts Bachelor’s degree must declare the credential by the time they complete 60 credits of undergraduate coursework. At the time of declaration, the student must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  • In good academic standing with the University
  • Completion of a minimum of 18 credits of undergraduate coursework, including the following with a minimum grade of “C”:
    • 3 credits of ENGL at the 1100 level or higher
    • 6 credits at the 1100 level or higher in the Major area

Curricular Requirements

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree must complete all requirements in the Bachelor of Arts framework in addition to their major or minor program requirements.


Course List
1100 Level
CRIM 1100Introduction to Criminology3
CRIM 1101Introduction to the Criminal Justice System3
CRIM 1107Canadian Legal Systems3
CRIM 1207Introduction to Criminal Law3
CRIM 1208Methods of Research in Criminology3
CRIM 1215Interpersonal and Professional Development in Criminology3
PSYC 1100Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes3
SOCI 1125Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures3
Select one of the following:3
PHIL 1100
General Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1110
Introduction to Moral Philosophy
PHIL 1145
Critical Thinking
PHIL 1150
Introduction to Formal Logic
2000 Level
CRIM 2103Quantitative Data Analysis I3
CRIM 2330Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour3
CRIM 2331Sociological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour3
CRIM 2341Canadian Criminal Justice Administration3
Select one of the following:3
CRIM 2204
Criminal Justice and Psychology
CRIM 2205
Crime, Criminal Justice, and the Media
CRIM 2211
Introduction to Policing
CRIM 2214
Corrections: Theory and Practice
CRIM 2249
Youth Justice
3000 and 4000 Level 1
Select one of the following:3
CRIM 3103
CRIM 3104
Qualitative Research Methods
Select two of the following Group 1 courses:6
Group 1: Theory and Methods
CRIM 3100
Advanced Theories of Crime and Community
CRIM 3111
Contemporary Sociological Criminology
CRIM 3113
Critical Criminology
CRIM 4112
Contemporary Psychological Criminology
Select one of the following Group 2 courses:3
Group 2: Criminal Justice
CRIM 3118
White-Collar & Corporate Crime
CRIM 3213
Community Corrections
CRIM 3249
Issues in Youth Justice
CRIM 4201
Community Safety and Crime Prevention
CRIM 4235
Minorities and the Criminal Justice System
CRIM 4410
Policy and Program Evaluation
Select one of the following Group 3 courses:3
Group 3: Law, Advocacy and Conflict Resolution
CRIM 3302
Procedure and Evidence
CRIM 3305
Law and Society
CRIM 3307
Issues in Conflict Resolution
CRIM 3351
Philosophy of Law
CRIM 4300
Administrative and Regulatory Law
CRIM 4301
Community Advocacy and Human Rights
Select 15 additional credits of any CRIM courses at the 3000 or 4000 level.15
Total Credits72

Students will complete 30 credits in upper-level CRIM courses. All upper-level criminology courses require 6 credits of English as pre-requisites as of Fall 2013.


In addition to the 120 credits required for the Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology, students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Criminology degree must complete the following additional 12 credits:

Course List
CRIM 5000Honours Thesis I3
CRIM 5010Honours Seminar3
CRIM 5020Honours Thesis II6
Total Credits12

Enrolment in Criminology Honours courses requires the permission of the Criminology Honours committee. In order to be considered for Honours courses, students normally must:

  • have completed 90 credits or more at the time of application;
  • achieve a CGPA of 3.5; and
  • have completed CRIM 3104 and CRIM 4410.

Please see for further information regarding application deadlines and selection criteria.

Students may receive either the Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology degree or the Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Criminology degree, but not both.

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of the honours program, students are eligible to receive a Bachelor of Arts (Honours). Transcripts will indicate a Major in Criminology.

Co-operative Education

The Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology is offered with a Co-operative Education option. Co-operative Education gives a student the opportunity to apply the skills gained during academic study in paid, practical work experience semesters. Degree students in the Co-op option are expected to complete a minimum of three work terms while completing their degree. Work terms generally occur full-time in separate 4 month work semesters. Work semesters alternate with academic study.

Students wishing to enter and participate in the Co-op Option must meet the following requirements:

Declaration/Entrance Requirements

  • Declaration into the BA in Criminology
  • Minimum GPA of 2.7

Program Continuance Requirements

  • Completion of COOP 1101 prior to 75 programs credits
  • Minimum program GPA of 2.7
  • Instructor permission

Co-op Requirements

The Co-operative Education designation requires successful completion of the following courses:

Course List
COOP 1101Introduction to Professional and Career Readiness1
COOP 1150Co-op Work Semester 19
COOP 2150Co-op Work Semester 29
COOP 3150Co-op Work Semester 39
COOP 4150
Co-op Work Semester 4
Total Credits28

Note: COOP courses must be completed in ascending numerical order. Contact the Co-op office for information about the possibility of part-time work terms. COOP courses may be used only to satisfy the Co-op designation and cannot be used to satisfy other curricular requirements of the program.

Additional Requirements

In addition to the requirements stated above, all Co-op students must satisfy the General Co-operative Education Requirements.

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of the Co-operative Education Option in the major program, students are eligible to receive a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Co-operative Education Option). Transcripts will indicate a Major in Criminology.

This online version of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar is the official version of the University Calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, KPU reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email

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12666 72 Avenue
Surrey, BC V3W 2M8

© 2022-2023 Kwantlen Polytechnic University

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Students who graduate with a BA degree may apply to law school or pursue a graduate degree in criminology or other disciplines. Those who are interested in applying to graduate school, or who prefer a more extensive research experience, are encouraged to undertake a structured program leading to a Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Major in Criminology.

Faculty's website:

Department's website:

Admission Requirements

Students pursuing a major in Criminology must be admitted to the Faculty of Arts.

Declaration Requirements

Students intending to graduate with this Faculty of Arts Bachelor’s degree must declare the credential by the time they complete 60 credits of undergraduate coursework. At the time of declaration, the student must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  • In good academic standing with the University
  • Completion of a minimum of 18 credits of undergraduate coursework, including the following with a minimum grade of “C”:
    • 3 credits of ENGL at the 1100 level or higher
    • 6 credits at the 1100 level or higher in the Major area

Curricular Requirements

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree must complete all requirements in the Bachelor of Arts framework in addition to their major or minor program requirements.


Course List
1100 Level
CRIM 1100Introduction to Criminology3
CRIM 1101Introduction to the Criminal Justice System3
CRIM 1107Canadian Legal Systems3
CRIM 1207Introduction to Criminal Law3
CRIM 1208Methods of Research in Criminology3
CRIM 1215Interpersonal and Professional Development in Criminology3
PSYC 1100Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes3
SOCI 1125Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures3
Select one of the following:3
PHIL 1100
General Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1110
Introduction to Moral Philosophy
PHIL 1145
Critical Thinking
PHIL 1150
Introduction to Formal Logic
2000 Level
CRIM 2103Quantitative Data Analysis I3
CRIM 2330Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour3
CRIM 2331Sociological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour3
CRIM 2341Canadian Criminal Justice Administration3
Select one of the following:3
CRIM 2204
Criminal Justice and Psychology
CRIM 2205
Crime, Criminal Justice, and the Media
CRIM 2211
Introduction to Policing
CRIM 2214
Corrections: Theory and Practice
CRIM 2249
Youth Justice
3000 and 4000 Level 1
Select one of the following:3
CRIM 3103
CRIM 3104
Qualitative Research Methods
Select two of the following Group 1 courses:6
Group 1: Theory and Methods
CRIM 3100
Advanced Theories of Crime and Community
CRIM 3111
Contemporary Sociological Criminology
CRIM 3113
Critical Criminology
CRIM 4112
Contemporary Psychological Criminology
Select one of the following Group 2 courses:3
Group 2: Criminal Justice
CRIM 3118
White-Collar & Corporate Crime
CRIM 3213
Community Corrections
CRIM 3249
Issues in Youth Justice
CRIM 4201
Community Safety and Crime Prevention
CRIM 4235
Minorities and the Criminal Justice System
CRIM 4410
Policy and Program Evaluation
Select one of the following Group 3 courses:3
Group 3: Law, Advocacy and Conflict Resolution
CRIM 3302
Procedure and Evidence
CRIM 3305
Law and Society
CRIM 3307
Issues in Conflict Resolution
CRIM 3351
Philosophy of Law
CRIM 4300
Administrative and Regulatory Law
CRIM 4301
Community Advocacy and Human Rights
Select 15 additional credits of any CRIM courses at the 3000 or 4000 level.15
Total Credits72

Students will complete 30 credits in upper-level CRIM courses. All upper-level criminology courses require 6 credits of English as pre-requisites as of Fall 2013.


In addition to the 120 credits required for the Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology, students pursuing the Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Criminology degree must complete the following additional 12 credits:

Course List
CRIM 5000Honours Thesis I3
CRIM 5010Honours Seminar3
CRIM 5020Honours Thesis II6
Total Credits12

Enrolment in Criminology Honours courses requires the permission of the Criminology Honours committee. In order to be considered for Honours courses, students normally must:

  • have completed 90 credits or more at the time of application;
  • achieve a CGPA of 3.5; and
  • have completed CRIM 3104 and CRIM 4410.

Please see for further information regarding application deadlines and selection criteria.

Students may receive either the Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology degree or the Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Criminology degree, but not both.

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of the honours program, students are eligible to receive a Bachelor of Arts (Honours). Transcripts will indicate a Major in Criminology.

Co-operative Education

The Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology is offered with a Co-operative Education option. Co-operative Education gives a student the opportunity to apply the skills gained during academic study in paid, practical work experience semesters. Degree students in the Co-op option are expected to complete a minimum of three work terms while completing their degree. Work terms generally occur full-time in separate 4 month work semesters. Work semesters alternate with academic study.

Students wishing to enter and participate

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