MSc Data Science

Course Overview

From business and finance or health and medicine, to infrastructure or education, data science plays a vital role in all aspects of the modern world. Our MSc programme will ensure you have an advanced level of skills, knowledge, and experience to achieve your career aspirations.

Studying for an MSc in Data Science at Lancaster will provide you with the perfect environment to develop an expertise in the discipline. Your study will build upon the fundamentals, and our specialist pathways will allow you to practise and enhance technical skills, while gaining professional knowledge that will support and advance your career aspirations.


We offer an excellent range of learning environments, which include traditional lectures, laboratories, and workshops. We are also committed to providing timely feedback for all submitted work and projects.

Assessment varies across modules, allowing students to demonstrate their capabilities in a range of ways, including laboratory reports, essays, exercises, literature reviews, short tests, poster sessions, oral presentations, and formal examination.


We have a great relationship with our students and alumni, who have praised the School for its ambition, positivity and friendly atmosphere. By providing a number of support methods, accessible at any stage of your degree, we strive to give our students the best opportunity to fulfil their potential and attract the very best opportunities for a successful career. Our academics are welcoming and helpful; you will be assigned an academic advisor who can offer advice and recommended reading; and our open door policy has been a popular feature among our students. We believe in encouraging and inspiring our computing and communications scientists of the future.


The gathering, interpretation and evaluation of data is fundamental to all aspects of modern life. As a result, data science can lead to a career in a wide range of industries. The core modules of this programme will ensure you are properly equipped to apply yourself to any data role, while your specialist pathway will enhance your opportunities in specific industries, should that be the route you wish to pursue.

Studying at Masters level will further enhance your career prospects, opening up opportunities to progress further in your career.

In addition, many of our Data Scientists also elect to study a PhD qualification.

We provide careers advice and host a range of events throughout the year, including our annual careers fair, attended by exhibitors who are interested in providing placements and vacancies to computer science students and graduates. You can speak face-to-face with employers such as Network Rail, Oracle, and Johnson and Johnson, in addition to a large range of SMEs.

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  • Data Mining
  • Data Science Fundamentals
  • MSc Data Science Dissertation
  • Programming for Data Scientists
  • Statistical Foundations I
  • Statistical Fundamentals I
  • Statistical Learning
  • Applied Data Mining
  • Bioinformatics
  • Building Big Data Systems
  • Clinical Trials
  • Distributed Artificial Intelligence
  • Geoinformatics
  • Groundwater Resources and Protection
  • Intelligent Data Analysis and Visualisation
  • Methods for Missing Data
  • Modelling Environmental Processes
  • Modelling Multilevel and Longitudinal Data
  • Modelling of infectious diseases
  • Optimisation and Heuristics
  • Principles of Epidemiology
  • Survival and Event History Analysis
  • Time-Series
  • £29,150 Per Year

    International student tuition fee

    1 Year


    Sep 2024

    Start Month

    Aug 2024

    Application Deadline

    Upcoming Intakes

    • September 2024

    Mode of Study

    • Full Time