BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with Placement Year
Protecting organisations from cyber-attacks is a valuable skill and graduates are highly sought after and it’s one we’ll prepare you for.
You’ll explore how to detect and identify security risks before building on this by developing your own preventative measures – all with plenty of opportunities to test your solutions in our industry-standard facilities.
Building on a solid foundation covering network and system technologies, this course covers the core knowledge and skills needed to protect businesses against security threats. You will develop a detailed understanding of computer security issues, the detection of computer-based crime and the preservation and interpretation of digital evidence of the crime.
This course is accredited by the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT to Chartered IT Professional (CITP) status. There's an opportunity for a year-long paid work placement and the School has strong links with local industry.
Protecting organisations from cyber-attacks is a valuable skill and graduates are highly sought after and it’s one we’ll prepare you for.
You’ll explore how to detect and identify security risks before building on this by developing your own preventative measures – all with plenty of opportunities to test your solutions in our industry-standard facilities.
Building on a solid foundation covering network and system technologies, this course covers the core knowledge and skills needed to protect businesses against security threats. You will develop a detailed understanding of computer security issues, the detection of computer-based crime and the preservation and interpretation of digital evidence of the crime.
This course is accredited by the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT to Chartered IT Professional (CITP) status. There's an opportunity for a year-long paid work placement and the School has strong links with local industry.