PhD Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Online)

Atmospheric sciences, geological oceanography, geophysics, ocean ecology and biogeochemistry, physical oceanography

George Waldbusser, Director
Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences Program
104 CEOAS Administration Building
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331

Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (OEAS) is an interdisciplinary graduate major that first introduces students to the elements of the Earth system and the processes of mass and energy flow among them through a set of core/breadth courses. Students then pursue focused graduate coursework and research in a concentration area, directed by their program committee.

OEAS is a multi-disciplinary, competitive degree program that values:

Students within OEAS focus in one of five concentrations and are expected to produce a high-quality, publication ready research thesis or dissertation. After completing 15 credits of foundational coursework with all OEAS students, students pursue specific courses in their area of concentration. The OEAS program is designed to help forge strong year to year student cohorts across disciplinary boundaries facilitating a strong peer network and ability to collaborate in an increasingly multi-disciplinary world. Depth of training comes through advanced coursework and production of a research thesis or dissertation under supervision of a faculty advisor and graduate committee members.

Students matriculating in OEAS must pursue one of the following concentrations:

The concentration will depend largely on the research focus of the student, as determined with their faculty advisor. For this and many other reasons, we advise all applicants to initiate conversations with potential faculty advisors well in advance of the application deadline.

Major Code: 5001

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$33,460 Per Year

International student tuition fee

3 Years


Aug 2024

Start Month

Jul 2024

Application Deadline

Upcoming Intakes

  • August 2024
  • January 2025
  • August 2025
  • August 2026

Mode of Study

  • Online