MS Industrial/Organizational Psychology - 4+1 Dual Degree (Immersive Media and Mixed Reality - Interactive Media & Animation Concentration)
A dual degree program provides a defined pathway for SHU students to move seamlessly and efficiently from an undergraduate degree to a graduate degree. Students apply to a dual degree program as an incoming freshman and are admitted directly into the graduate program at the same time as their admission as undergraduate students. Dual degree students are guaranteed a place in the graduate program provided they continue, as undergraduate students, to meet program-specific criteria to progress into enrollment in the graduate program. All colleges at Sacred Heart University offer dual degree programs.
A dual degree program provides a defined pathway for SHU students to move seamlessly and efficiently from an undergraduate degree to a graduate degree. Students apply to a dual degree program as an incoming freshman and are admitted directly into the graduate program at the same time as their admission as undergraduate students. Dual degree students are guaranteed a place in the graduate program provided they continue, as undergraduate students, to meet program-specific criteria to progress into enrollment in the graduate program. All colleges at Sacred Heart University offer dual degree programs.