MCh Surgical Gastroenterology and Minimally Invasive Surgery

Course overview:

This course develops your specialist expertise within surgical gastroenterology at postgraduate level. Delivered with support from consultants in surgical gastroenterology this course is aimed at qualified doctors working within surgical gastroenterology who wish to gain a postgraduate qualification.

You develop your understanding of the concepts and principles underpinning the care of patients undergoing gastroenterology surgery as well as your ability to find, critically evaluate and apply relevant research evidence to ensure clinical effectiveness. The knowledge and skills you develop enhance your clinical decision making and research practice within surgical gastroenterology enabling you to contribute to the knowledge base. You are encouraged to focus on topical issues within current surgical gastroenterology practice, concentrating on aspects of practice that are relevant to your specific interests and practice. The course can be undertaken over one year full time or two years part time.

The course enables you to:

  • further develop an understanding of the principles and clinical concepts underpinning practice in surgical gastroenterology and minimally invasive surgery
  • further develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to perform evidence-based practice and research within the specialist field of surgical gastroenterology and minimally invasive surgery
  • foster a commitment to lifelong learning and an inquisitive approach to clinical practice in surgical gastroenterology and minimally invasive surgery that will enable you to acquire skills to practice safely and enhance your practice.

How you learn:

You learn through lectures, seminars, practical activities, clinical simulation, computer lab work and group work. The majority of teaching is delivered by principal and senior lecturers at Teesside University. The specialist module is delivered by appropriately qualified clinical staff including consultants in surgical gastroenterology.

How you are assessed:

We use a range of summative assessment methods throughout including written reports, proposal, written and oral exams, statistics mini project, computer based statistics exam, dissertation thesis and research article.

You receive formative feedback on your progress for all modules throughout the course. Feedback is provided electronically for all assessed work through the student intranet.

Work Placement:

Full time students have the opportunity to undertake and optional observational experience within a clinical setting. A clinical advisor devises and individualised plan for each student which is detailed in a learning contract. Observational opportunities are spread across the course and include a range of relevant activities. They may take place at any of the local NHS trust sites and you are expect6ed to cover any associated travel costs.

Career opportunities:

The course supports your career development by enhancing the research, evidence based practice skills and principles underpinning specialist clinical practice that are required within the specialist field of surgical gastroenterology y. It provides an additional masters level qualification that may be used to support career progression. Engaging in research and a record of publication are important aspects in career progression if you are aiming to achieve a consultant position. Providing an opportunity to develop your research skills and to support you in preparing your work for publication is an important element of the course.

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£13,000 Per Year

International student tuition fee

1 Year


Sep 2024

Start Month

Aug 2024

Application Deadline

Upcoming Intakes

  • September 2024

Mode of Study

  • Full Time