BA (Hons) Comics and Graphic Novels with Placement Year

Accredited Foundation year Work placement Kirsty talks about her experience of studying comics and graphic novels at Teesside. 'Words and pictures are yin and yang. Married, they produce a progeny more interesting than either parent.' Dr Seuss Creating comics is more than a job - it's a vocation. We live in a golden age for the comic book, in which Far Eastern manga is now part of the popular culture of the West. We have seen a graphic novel awarded the Pulitzer Prize, 50c funny books of the 1960s turned into iconic, billion dollar franchises and the internet change the way we make and read comics forever. The combination of words and pictures can produce something more powerful, more exciting and more personal than either alone. The mastery of communication through words and pictures is at the heart of this course. We aim to produce a new breed of storytellers, each with their own individual, formidable voice. You emerge as experts at communicating through cartooning, understanding how the medium works from the technical aspects of perspective, composition and figure drawing to the founding theories of modern literature. Comics are also entering into more mainstream areas of advertising, marketing and public relations - anywhere where a message needs to be communicated in as unforgettable and universal a manner as possible. We are in the top 50 in the UK for our Art & Design courses in the Complete University Guide 2023. ( ) Top reasons to study comics and graphic novels: Download pdf Order prospectus

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£15,000 Per Year

International student tuition fee

4 Years


Sep 2024

Start Month

Aug 2024

Application Deadline

Upcoming Intakes

  • September 2024
  • September 2025

Mode of Study

  • Full Time