Bachelor of Tourism Management
Become a leader and manager in the expanding field of tourism. The focus of the BTM is on key issues in local, regional, national and international tourism, with opportunities for international experience through Study Abroad and field schools. Learn the skills and confidence to develop your own tourism business and fill the growing need for managers in the tourism industry.
Exit diploma after two years: Tourism Management Diploma
Adventure Studies
Adventure Studies, Festivals & Events, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Resort Experience
Graduates gain the necessary skills to provide quality tourist experiences, develop and manage tourism businesses with entrepreneurial spirit, and contribute to community development in a manner that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.
Become a leader and manager in the expanding field of tourism. The focus of the BTM is on key issues in local, regional, national and international tourism, with opportunities for international experience through Study Abroad and field schools. Learn the skills and confidence to develop your own tourism business and fill the growing need for managers in the tourism industry.
Exit diploma after two years: Tourism Management Diploma
Adventure Studies
Adventure Studies, Festivals & Events, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Resort Experience
Graduates gain the necessary skills to provide quality tourist experiences, develop and manage tourism businesses with entrepreneurial spirit, and contribute to community development in a manner that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.