PhD Geography and Environmental Sciences
The School of Geography and Environmental Sciences draws together researchers from across a range of physical and human disciplines to address many of the international and regional changes, challenges and impacts facing society today. We have an international outlook with a research presence in five continents, 31 countries and three world oceans, providing a firm foundation to solving and exploring regional concerns.
Geography and Environmental Sciences seek to provide its PhD researchers with outstanding support and facilities for their work. Dedicated postgraduate rooms are designed to bring researchers together, share insights and experience and promote a vibrant culture of enquiry and scholarship. We encourage researchers to play a full part in the life of the school, and avail of opportunities for academic communication, training, teaching, travel and a range of Ulster events to foster professional development and collegiality. A range of facilities are available to support researchers including laboratory space, IT services, specialised field equipment and vehicles.
PhD graduates are recognised by employers to hold valuable transferrable skills, as the nature of the degree trains candidates in creativity, critical inquiry, problem solving, negotiation skills, professionalism and confidence. The most recent Ulster survey of PhD graduates found that 92% had secured employment within the first year since graduation (HESA Destination of Leavers Survey 2015), and while two thirds end up in the Higher Education or Research sectors, the range of skills acquired equips the remainder for employment in a wide range of contexts.