MRes Drug Toxicology and Safety Pharmacology


Master by Research (MRes) is a one-year research-focused postgraduate programme delivered at the Institute of Cancer Therapeutics and Faculty of Life Sciences. It provides training for working as a professional scientist, or in preparation for a PhD.

The programme places a strong emphasis on developing laboratory-based research skills and expertise. A six-month research project offers you an opportunity to acquire skills, and to put them into practice by carrying out cutting-edge research with a real-world impact.

The programme is organised around research-engaged learning, where the classroom and lab are sites for the production and application of new knowledge. The curriculum is designed around the principle of ‘spiral learning’ where core skills, knowledge, and competencies are reinforced and developed as you study.

The approach to assessment for learning is aligned to both the spiral curriculum and the principle of research-engaged learning. It is also authentic in encompassing the disciplinary and professional skills you will need to pursue a career in the associated scientific and academic fields.

Career support

The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programmes. Specialist support is available throughout the course from Career and Employability Services including help to find part-time work while studying, placements, vacation work and graduate vacancies. Students are encouraged to access this support at an early stage and to use the extensive resources on the Careers website.

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£20,885 Per Year

International student tuition fee

1 Year


Sep 2024

Start Month

Aug 2024

Application Deadline

Upcoming Intakes

  • September 2024

Mode of Study

  • Full Time