MRes Medical Science - Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine pathway
This is a research-focused Master's training course in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine. It is ideal preparation for future PhD progression or early career industrial entry.
Course overview
This course focuses on developing investigative laboratory-based research skills while addressing theoretical and applicable questions in stem cells and regenerative medicine. The MRes provides an intensive research-led environment which is ideal training for students wishing to study for a PhD or who simply wish to undertake a significant research project.
Why study this course with us?
Our lecturers have specialist knowledge and work with a diverse range of skill sets that have application in the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine. Students undertaking the MRes are able to draw on this expertise.
You will join the research team at Chester Medical School and the medical staff at our partner hospital trusts. As a research student, you will also join a growing group of over 100 postgraduate students in Chester Medical School.
In addition, Chester is an active member of the Mercia Stem Cell Alliance and the UK Mesenchymal Stem Cell research community.
If you wish to pursue research further, on successful completion of the MRes you may wish to study for a PhD.