BSc (Hons) Biotechnology (including a Foundation Year)
Advances in biotechnology currently underpin developments in the three areas that we have traditionally taken for granted: health, food and fuel. However, these subjects are fast numbering among the world’s most pressing global challenges, and it is to advances in biotechnology that we are looking for tomorrow’s answers. Biotechnology is concerned with developing technologies, products and processes that combat disease, harness biocatalysts to produce alternative fuel sources, and facilitate crop production.If you are interested in studying this course with a Foundation Year, please note you will be taught at the University of Chester for your Foundation Year, and subsequent years of study (Levels 4, 5 and 6) will be based at University Centre Shrewsbury.
Advances in biotechnology currently underpin developments in the three areas that we have traditionally taken for granted: health, food and fuel. However, these subjects are fast numbering among the world’s most pressing global challenges, and it is to advances in biotechnology that we are looking for tomorrow’s answers. Biotechnology is concerned with developing technologies, products and processes that combat disease, harness biocatalysts to produce alternative fuel sources, and facilitate crop production.If you are interested in studying this course with a Foundation Year, please note you will be taught at the University of Chester for your Foundation Year, and subsequent years of study (Levels 4, 5 and 6) will be based at University Centre Shrewsbury.