BS in Business Administration - Information Systems

The information systems program at the University of Colorado Denver is a nationally accredited program for students who want to design and implement effective solutions to meet organizational and management needs for information, control and decision making.

An information systems (ISMG) major draws on a diverse set of skills and strengths requiring creative and innovative thinking at the intersections of disciplinary knowledge and practice. Information systems students learn how information technology, effective teamwork and leadership and sound project management combine to enable innovation and change, to improve organizational agility and to add competitive value. Courses require extensive hands-on projects, teamwork, and use of high-end technology. A combination of technical skills gained in class work with broad-based business process knowledge enables our graduates to be ideally situated to take leading roles in shaping the technology-based future of employers in the Rocky Mountain region and the nation.

Specializations available in Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management and Marketing

Undergraduate Options

The Business School at the University of Colorado Denver offers a bachelor of science in business administration where you may choose information systems as your primary core specialty:

  • Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree

Career Opportunities

Careers in information systems continue to be one of the highest growth markets in the business world. A student completing the information systems program curriculum will be prepared for challenging careers as a business analyst, database administrator, Web content manager, information security analyst, IT consultant, and data scientist. Employment possibilities include financial operations, health care, management consulting, service operations, transportation, and logistics and government.

Information systems are the foundation of all business activities, and a solid understanding of the role of information systems in business and in the national and global economy is now critical for every business student. The information systems major focuses on the effective use of information technology in business. You are equipped with logical and analytical thinking in all areas of business and a strong basis for continued career growth in a variety of growing professions. You will develop the technical skills, business know-how and administrative insights required for acquisition, deployment and management of IT resources and services development, operation and evolution of IS infrastructure for use in accounting, finance, marketing, management and other business processes.

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$30,572 Per Year

International student tuition fee

4 Years


Aug 2024

Start Month

Jul 2024

Application Deadline

Upcoming Intakes

  • August 2024
  • January 2025
  • August 2025

Mode of Study

  • Full Time