MA (Hons) Comparative Literature/French
COMPARATIVE LITERATURE: - is the study of literature across cultural and national frontiers, time periods, languages and genres, even across the boundaries between literature and the other arts. You can study Comparative Literature alongside a whole range of other subjects and you may want to consider studying it with a foreign language to further expand your horizons. FRENCH: - French involves the study of a key European and international language as well as the cultures it has influenced across the world. As part of your French degree you can choose to focus on a whole range of topics including French comics, French song, travel writing, medieval France and contemporary French history.
COMPARATIVE LITERATURE: - is the study of literature across cultural and national frontiers, time periods, languages and genres, even across the boundaries between literature and the other arts. You can study Comparative Literature alongside a whole range of other subjects and you may want to consider studying it with a foreign language to further expand your horizons. FRENCH: - French involves the study of a key European and international language as well as the cultures it has influenced across the world. As part of your French degree you can choose to focus on a whole range of topics including French comics, French song, travel writing, medieval France and contemporary French history.