MSc by Research Game Technologies

Undertake postgraduate research while drawing on university expertise. Our specialisms include VR, AR and MR, IoTs, mobile technology, gamification and serious games, user experiences and user interface development.

We have a strong applied research focus and particular interests in work that engages with the concerns of the user, the needs of businesses and the rapid developments within the IT industry and engineering sectors.

Research environment

Our School of Computing & Engineering is active in pure and applied research, knowledge transfer and industrial projects. There are a number of dedicated laboratories for researchers and you’ll be joining a group of about 35 research candidates – all involved in extending both new knowledge and professional practice.

All postgraduate researchers are required to initially take and complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods to support the development of their project and their education as researchers. We also offer a range of further research training events, postgraduate researcher-led seminars, conferences and summer schools – as well as training offered through other universities and bodies.

This diverse range of events helps you gain the skills and confidence you need to underpin your research journey.

This research contributes to the research priority area Applied Business and Technology, discover the research projects you could be involved in.

Study style

Your postgraduate research study is mainly carried out through an unique project with both theoretical investigation and practical application, which leads to your contribution to new knowledge generation. Your study will be an effective combination of your independent investigation and support from your supervisors with the required expert knowledge through regularly meetings with them.

Academics staff will also provide any necessary support to your study. Dependent on your individual project, there will be an element of software application for system modelling, analysis and optimisation and an element of verification and validation test of the new algorithms, methods, models, frameworks and approaches etc.

Study can be either full-time or part-time. If you are an international student, you can study remotely.

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