BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering and Computer Systems with Placement Year

We were ranked best in Yorkshire* for student satisfaction for the subject Electrical and Electronic Engineering (National Student Survey 2022).

Why Electronic Engineering and Computer Systems?

Electronics and computers are all around us, and developments in both can have a big impact in our daily lives. ‘Invisible computers’ help to operate everyday systems like supermarket and goods logistics, transportation networks, energy capture and generation, diagnostic equipment used in hospitals, broadband and satellites, the list is endless – and so is the need for engineers trained in these disciplines.

The Course

Our course is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), which means that on completion you will satisfy the academic requirements for Incorporated Engineer (IEng) status. Once you've spent the required time in industry it could then lead to CEng status, your professional engineering qualification.

This course has been designed to help you understand how electronics and computers work together and could help you gain a job at the forefront of technological developments to meet the ever-increasing demand for new sustainable solutions to improve society and everyday life. We cover a variety of topics, for example, software and hardware and how they are designed for embedded systems, the Internet of Things, computer system architectures and networks.

In our Electronic and Electrical Engineering subject area, all of our degree programmes share the same first year of study, which means you can leave your options open until the start of your second year. During your first and second year you'll take part in our initiative called EnABLE (Engineering in an Activity Based Learning Environment). This will give you the opportunity to work together in small teams solving real Electronic Engineering and Computer System problems and testing your solution against other groups in a supportive and friendly competitive environment.

In your third year you will have an option to take an industrial placement. We are always supportive and encouraging about having students spend this year in industry. This offers excellent real world engineering experience to help you stand out at graduate interviews. In the fourth year you will work on a selected individual research/design project with the support of your academic supervisor. It is possible to align this with one of the Master's team projects. These involve the design, build and friendly competitive testing of either a road, airborne or rail vehicle, for example, Team HARE, Team Hawk or HudRail.

You might like to hear what Philippa has to say about studying Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng(Hons) at the University of Huddersfield.

*subjects rankings refer to Common Aggregation Hierarchy level 3 and are further filtered to include English HEI's with income over £100m+ in the 20/21 academic year.

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£17,600 Per Year

International student tuition fee

4 Years


Sep 2024

Start Month

Aug 2024

Application Deadline

Upcoming Intakes

  • September 2024
  • September 2025

Mode of Study

  • Full Time