Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Applied Statistics
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a post-baccalaureate certificate in applied statistics for public administrators, business and industry professionals, students and others who perceive a need for training in the proper use of statistical methodology. The program allows for a balance between the technical and practical aspects of statistical applications, along with perspectives on reporting results to a variety of potential audiences. The overall objective of the certificate program is to give working professionals the necessary skills to ensure their data-based inferences and decisions are based on sound statistical principles. Students may participate in the applied statistics certificate program in conjunction with other UNCW graduate degree programs.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a post-baccalaureate certificate in applied statistics for public administrators, business and industry professionals, students and others who perceive a need for training in the proper use of statistical methodology. The program allows for a balance between the technical and practical aspects of statistical applications, along with perspectives on reporting results to a variety of potential audiences. The overall objective of the certificate program is to give working professionals the necessary skills to ensure their data-based inferences and decisions are based on sound statistical principles. Students may participate in the applied statistics certificate program in conjunction with other UNCW graduate degree programs.