Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Science and Medical Writing
The Department of English offers a 15-hour post-baccalaureate certificate in science and medical writing designed for graduate students and working professionals. The courses in this program will help advanced students to improve their ability to produce print and electronic genres, including research papers, grant applications, graphics, and social media, that will aid them to advance their work and move forward in their careers. The program can be completed online to allow working professionals and graduate students maximum flexibility.
The Department of English offers a 15-hour post-baccalaureate certificate in science and medical writing designed for graduate students and working professionals. The courses in this program will help advanced students to improve their ability to produce print and electronic genres, including research papers, grant applications, graphics, and social media, that will aid them to advance their work and move forward in their careers. The program can be completed online to allow working professionals and graduate students maximum flexibility.