MSc Advanced Applied Field Geoscience

The MSc Advanced Applied Field Geoscience is the most fieldwork based MSc in the UK. This is a vocational MSc course that will give you with the knowledge, skills, competence and confidence to work in a wide range of practical geoscience careers, from engineering geology and mining to quarrying, petroleum geoscience and research.

Rather than focusing on an individual geoscience career path, we focus on providing a thorough training in a number of geoscience skills including digital data capture and visualisation, analytical methods and applied field geology. Petroleum Experts Ltd (Petex) has also donated 10 licences of the MOVE software suite, the commercial equivalent of which is £1,341,961.89 to support our teaching and learning.


The MSc Advanced Applied Field Geoscience is based entirely on coursework. Each taught module is divided into four topics with one assessment for each topic.

The assessment types include 3,000 word written reports; verbal presentations; team reports and portfolios of field-based data.

The research dissertation is based on the submission of a report which will either be in the format of a scientific paper or as a commercial consultancy report.


Graduates with a Masters in Advanced Applied Field Geoscience will be equipped to seek jobs across the earth sciences, including site investigation, contaminated land assessment, geotechnics and engineering geology, mining, quarrying, petroleum geoscience and research. Graduates can also progress to a PhD or research degree.

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£15,100 Per Year

International student tuition fee

1 Year


Sep 2024

Start Month

Aug 2024

Application Deadline

Upcoming Intakes

  • September 2024

Mode of Study

  • Full Time