DInfSci Computer and Information Science
The Professional Doctorate in Information Science (DInfSci) is a doctoral degree programme which allows experienced information professionals to research issues which arise from the practice of Information Science. Through the critical review and systematic application of appropriate theories and research methods to professional work environments, this programme allows you to increase your knowledge about practice, develop new research findings and improve your professional competence.
This programme has been designed for experienced professionals working in senior roles within the information profession. It offers a flexible and supportive method of study that allows you to continue in work whilst you study, develop a research programme that informs and enhances your own area of work, and study with some of the top Information Science researchers in the word. The DInfSci can be completed from wherever you are in the world.
Our specialist themes are Data Science and Machine Learning, Information Behaviour, Interactive Information Retrieval, and Information Engagement.
The Professional Doctorate in Information Science (DInfSci) is a doctoral degree programme which allows experienced information professionals to research issues which arise from the practice of Information Science. Through the critical review and systematic application of appropriate theories and research methods to professional work environments, this programme allows you to increase your knowledge about practice, develop new research findings and improve your professional competence.
This programme has been designed for experienced professionals working in senior roles within the information profession. It offers a flexible and supportive method of study that allows you to continue in work whilst you study, develop a research programme that informs and enhances your own area of work, and study with some of the top Information Science researchers in the word. The DInfSci can be completed from wherever you are in the world.
Our specialist themes are Data Science and Machine Learning, Information Behaviour, Interactive Information Retrieval, and Information Engagement.