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5 reasons why 2021 is still your year to study abroad

Updated on: Nov 8, 2023
5 reasons why 2021 is still your year to study abroad
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While 2020 was a tough year to study abroad, things are looking up in 2021. We’ve all tried to do our bit to help overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, and after a torrid year, the hard work and sacrifice seems to be paying off. We’re not out of the woods yet, but we’re getting there. 

So, can students still study abroad in 2021? You bet they can! You see, governments are doing their best to return society to normal in a safe way, and universities play a big role in society (as well as in the economy, but more on that below). The sooner they can open up campuses to both domestic and international students, the better. 

Realistically though, some may find applying to study abroad a slightly more intimidating task than before, due to the extra red tape and ever-changing policies to ensure both safe travel and safe study. But we’re here to help and point you towards the right guidance to study abroad in 2021. 

The university you’re aiming to go to is the best place to ask for specific instructions and details regarding studying abroad -- visas, class attendance, enrolment for international students etc. But in this article, we’re here to let you know why you should still consider heading overseas.

1. Countries are handling the pandemic better than ever

It’s been a long ride for some countries, with some performing much better than others for the past year. But now, most popular countries to study abroad are tackling the pandemic effectively. This is largely due to the rollout of vaccines, which are our best chance of overcoming the pandemic and returning to normal society.

Australia and New Zealand’s pursuit of a “zero covid strategy” may have led to them closing their borders, but as they begin to vaccinate more and more people, the aim is to reopen before the end of 2021. Check out our article “6 top reasons to study in New Zealand”!

Meanwhile, the UK has given at least one dose of the vaccine to over 33 million people (over half the population), while over 200 million have received at least one dose in the USA. 

All this means that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Not only can you still study abroad in the USA and the UK under the right circumstances, but you can rest assured that you can study there safely. As for the likes of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Republic of Ireland -- it’s simply a matter of time!

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2. Student visas are still being granted

You can still apply for and receive a student visa for the UK, the US, Canada, and the Republic of Ireland. Of course, these visas are subject to certain criteria depending on each country, but you can still get there. It’s best to check first with your university of choice. For more insight, have a read of our article which details first-hand accounts of moving to a university in the UK during Covid-19

And while New Zealand and Australia currently aren’t granting student visas en masse, the aim is to begin opening up borders to international students as swiftly as possible. And getting those student visas can be made easier by studying abroad online...

3. You can still study “abroad” online, with a view to moving there in future

Even if you can’t get to your university right now due to visa or and/or border restrictions, you can still study abroad online. It’s not ideal, we know, but it’s a reality that virtually every student has had to deal with since the pandemic started. And the great thing about starting your studies abroad online, is that your visa application will be so much smoother in the future. All you’ll need is evidence of your enrolment and online study, along with the standard visa requirements. 

But this studying online thing won’t last forever thankfully. In fact it’s already beginning to come to an end... 

4. Campuses are opening up (and taking precautions)

In the UK, face-to-face teaching is set to recommence again for some universities in Spring / Summer 2021, with a proposed “full” return to in-person classes scheduled for autumn. The same autumn return applies to universities in the USA and Canada, while the Republic of Ireland is targeting a reopening of campuses in September 2021.    

All of this will be done in accordance with health expert recommendations, to keep both students and teachers safe, which is great news!

This is a huge step forward, since the whole “student experience” depends so much on being on campus, in lecture halls, meeting and making friends with fellow students. 

Everything you need to study abroad
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5. Ultimately, universities need their students

Probably the greatest reason to study abroad in 2021 is this: Universities need you. They’re just not the same without students coming and going, breathing life into the place. 

But there’s more to why universities need their international students: People studying abroad are a huge part of the economy. International students are estimated to contribute around £10 Billion to the UK economy every year, and about £28 billion to the US economy. This means that they need to offer a solution, and as mentioned above, they’re doing all they can to open up safely. 

So what does all this mean? Simply put, it means that you can still reap the benefits of studying abroad in 2021! 

Looking for the right course to study abroad in 2021? Check out a great range of courses right here at Edvoy. Click here to get started, or click the button below! 

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Guest Author | Study Abroad Expert

Sean, a freelance writer, copywriter, and editor hailing from Ireland. He finds fulfillment in delving into the world of...Read More

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